Mass Murder: From a Spiritual Perspective by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten

Judgment, Anger and Bullshit



It is not necessary for man to pass judgment on another man for many reasons.  Your existence is only temporary, only you will judge your actions, and the actions of those involved may be for the experience that was brought forth for them.  There is much strife on your planet, but there is always a need for those in a human existence to learn to forgo violence and hatred when they have been wronged; just as there is a need for those in a human existence to learn to stop hatred and violent actions.

This cannot be experienced on the levels of existence in your true home dimension where you will return once your time in the human existence is complete.  You can promote peace and make information available to alternatives, but there will only be peace where you decide to create it in your own environment.  You cannot change others, only observe and allow them to be.  You should be peaceful first.  This will radiate to those around you and throughout many levels of existence.

Worrying about others or trying to bring them to your way of thinking should not haunt you or frustrate you.  There are many who are simply not interested.  Making information, an alternative viewpoint available to those on earth will allow it to be digested by those who are interested when the time is right for them.

Many come to a lifetime here for nothing but strife, hatred, violence and wrong deeds.  There is no reason to judge them for they are experiencing just as you have, though their focus may be on different areas than what you are currently engaged; you too were once in their shoes so to speak.



Those who need to express anger should do so in a positive manner.  It is not necessary to contribute to the anger of another person or group, no matter what they seem to be upset about.

Allow your anger to be released in a positive manner such as doing physically taxing work or vigorous exercise that will express this pent-up energy without it building into something negative or destructive.



One problem is, when some, not all, individuals don't understand something they won't admit it.  It is easier to attack it with their ego self.  Instead of saying, maybe this is too deep or just out of my belief system; they say it is bullshit, and if it wasn't bullshit then I would understand it, so it must be bullshit because it makes no sense to me. 

In order to believe, they must change their beliefs.  Many see change as fear and thus remain where they are, even though they may realize 'what' they personally believe is wrong, they cannot change because of the 'herd mentality.'  They don't want to be left out of the so-called herd (their family, community, or peers), therefore they go along with whatever the others believe; no matter how false or incorrect their beliefs might be.  It is time now to start changing that fear into truth; which is simply love.