Mass Murder: From a Spiritual Perspective by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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When taken over the course of a lifetime, many will encounter Mass Murder incidents.  The causes are not bad parenting; they are not the neglect of society.  These situations are built to occur in the manner in which they do, so that all can experience the methods and practices of the recuperating process.

In the death of many individuals it is necessary to know that not many have gone by free-will which brought them to this point.  Many go by predetermined time, method and place.  This offers an educational experience for those who are directly involved in the chaos and the ensuing frenzy of recovery.

There is much done to circumvent these processes; many actions taken to prevent such measures, but they shall always occur, loss of life shall occur by individual or seemingly natural causes.

The detriment to the self by ignoring them is not always obvious, but there is much here that should be reviewed; the detriment to the being that has experienced war, the person who has neglected themselves and is now suffering what your medicine deems a behavioral episode. 

Many who are involved in these actions or witnessing them or those who observe and learn of them, simply cast judgment on those individuals involved.  Many times the incident is not for anyone other than those directly impacted; your media will share it, it is no less a lesson for those involved than for those who observe it through the media.

Do not cast doubt; many wish for a quick resolution, an ‘eye for an eye’ and some method of prevention instilled so that their safety can be ensured.  There is no escaping the fate that men instill in themselves before entering into this human contract.

This type of mass murder incident is not to cast fear, no moment should make you fearful, but no emotion should be ignored.  If you are fearful you should observe the reasoning, the cause, the direct relation between actions and your emotions.  Validate them and determine if they are true and accurate; that they are exactly yours, not simply the cause of hysteria spreading through a population being accepted by those who are receptive and not truly discerning for themselves what is real and true for their highest true form, and what is willingly accepted simply because others are experiencing it.

It is necessary to know the safety of all beings is not as assured as all think.  There can be many mechanisms in place, and not necessarily through human error, though it often presents as such, there is an occurrence that must be observed and experienced. 

There are businesses made out of protection and walls, security, but no wall or fence will truly provide you security.  Being secure with one’s self is the only true security, living without fear, nothing should be feared, and nothing should be feared when it threatens to take from you.  There is nothing that can be truly taken from you that is truly of your being.  Nothing can be lost that is always for you, that is truly for your being.  That which can be taken is never truly owned and is merely a temporary possession or state of being.

These are true things.  Do not fear; care for one another.  Search for the cause of these episodes in society; not in a single parent flaw or nurturing absence.  While this may pinpoint for comfort the cause of the episode, it is not something to dismiss, they should be addressed in terms of those who wish to change or should not be blindly entered into, and that is a great deal of what occurs now.

Wars are simply followed for reasons that the warriors do not understand.  What the war’s purpose is truly accomplishing is not for the individual who is the warrior.  When they realize this, many are conflicted without some other knowing because of the loss of life. 

While many of these are lessons and experiences required, many are coming to this knowledge faster than anticipated and not requiring a full experience.  Yes, even in the school of life there are those who pick up the lesson faster and slower than others.  It does not mean that you are gifted in life, some learn to tie their shoes readily, some prefer Velcro and easy shoes, and others will learn when they are ready.  You cannot change the thinking of an individual; they must change it on their own.  You can present facts, but forcing will accomplish nothing.  Making information available and not seeing differing points of view as the enemy, on any level, will express the best chance for change.  It is not something to be feared.