Mass Murder: From a Spiritual Perspective by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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Chapter Three

Media: Bought & Controlled


Be aware that global corporate conglomerates have bought and taken control of the majority of mass media outlets.  That in turn gives them the power to control all news and information; which is then disseminated to the general public at large through their deceptive censorship practices.

That means you will only receive the news and information the corporations and certain governments want you to have.  This control gives them the power to control world events.

It is important to know that the last word on truth is settled with the person receiving the information.  Perspective may play a role in judgment, but know that perspective and understanding can be changed and opened.  It is the attempt of many to share this information without bias.

Speaking words without certain motivation is difficult on this planet, and there has been much to cause mistrust, therefore not a good deal of information is accepted by the large populations of people.  This is because of their previous mistrust of untruths told by the controlled mass media worldwide.

There is much being done at this time to fool the average citizen, to dissuade them from taking action, to entrench the masses further into a casket of misinformation.  There is nothing being done to legitimately stop wars or end hunger; these things are not at the focus of the controlling group.  They seek greater control and obtain it by placing your daily attention on acts of violence; mass murder, homicides, rapes, assaults and the like which keep the citizenry in fear.

There is a great warning that should be heeded by those who wish to pursue corrupt power and corrupt control, but that message is being ignored.  There is only so much push before others will realize that false information has entered the governments mind as an acceptable form of controlling or 'informing' the people; those that the government should have been elected by in hopes of improving the nation.  There are those in power who seek power and control at any cost.  Just as there are wars with bullets, there are wars with words.

Currently they flex their grip over you by holding a select group of views and using only specific ideology.  It is important to know that these are not the beliefs of most people on the planet.  It simply takes time to break the masses out of misinformation that has been given to them repeatedly in many forms of conveyance; television, radio, internet, newspapers and the like.  It is all about control.

Speaking out to others, even in a passive manner will plant seeds and share information.  Soon it will be unavoidable, the negative thoughts of mankind and how wrong they truly are, and they will come to know the true meaning of life.