Maximum Memory Power by John Williams - HTML preview

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Get in Shape

You will benefit in all areas of your life by improving your use of

your memory, but the amount and speed of that improvement will

be strongly influenced by your current health and attitudes.

If you have been going to start or increase the amount of exercise

which you do, start today!

Aerobic exercise (activities such as walking, swimming and

tennis) will definitely increase the quality of the results you get

from these memory systems and tips, along with increasing the

level of beneficial oxygen in your body.

Another proven benefit is that more exercise will encourage you to drink more water (that stuff you dilute your coffee with). Your brain needs the equivalent of several glasses of water every day. Each drink of tea, coffee or cordial which we have daily, does not replace the need for any of that water. Those flavored drinks actually cause the loss of some valuable water from our body, reducing the amount available to our physical systems and, most importantly, to our brain.

Just making the effort to drink 6 or more glasses of water each day will improve the ability of your brain to process and recall information, and have other benefits as well.

You may believe that you have a “bad” memory, but that’s doing it an injustice. Accepting lower results than you are really capable of is selling yourself short, just to avoid the little extra effort needed.

Your memory is at least as powerful as any of the teachers at your local high school. The difference is mainly that they have learnt how to use theirs more efficiently and their work makes them use their faculties at full stretch every day.

Copyright © 2006 by John Williams 15.

“Maximum Memory Power” by John Williams

Page 16 of 67

Your “bad” memory is already absorbing thousands of impressions daily. Most of them are stored for possible later retrieval. The most likely problem is that you may give your memory too little direction, not enough work and that you don’t have systems in place to help make retrieval easy and quick.

This ebook will help you to improve your ability to recall the exact information you want more efficiently than you can do it right now.

The importance which you assign to the different types of images and the instructions which you give yourself will affect which impressions are most securely stored for later retrieval and how easy that recall becomes.

Many people focus on negative images, or fill their mind with negative emotions such as envy, anger and lack of self-belief. The brain is very powerful and could still absorb all the positive and empowering messages and images which that person sees, but it will keep the negative ones ready to recall if that’s what the person mostly focuses on.

Henry Ford said, “If you believe you can do a thing or if you believe you can’t; in either case, you’re probably right!”

There is some power, I believe, in having positive expectations and, anyway, they’re more enjoyable than constant negativity for you and, also, for everyone around you.

Memory improvement is not as difficult as it may seem at first. No-one needs to know that you are doing the exercises or what improvement you get - there are no exams!

The best part is that you will still see and feel an improvement in all areas of your life even if your early results are fairly small.

Copyright © 2006 by John Williams 16.

“Maximum Memory Power” by John Williams

Page 17 of 67

Tips and Short-cuts.

Most important tip: Ask your partner or a close friend to learn the systems with you. You don’t need to study every part of it together, but you can help each other by:

preparing lists for the other person to memorize and recall,

checking each other’s progress and

supplying valuable feedback and, especially, lots of encouragement.

The systems which you get in this ebook will help you with more complex tasks.

The tips and short-cuts in this section will help you with simpler, every-day memory mis-steps -

such as forgetting to post a letter or leaving your handbag, or briefcase, in someone’s office.

These mistakes are very common, so please don’t start worrying that something is wrong with your memory or your mental power in general. You probably just didn’t set up the best conditions for doing the task when you put down the envelope, briefcase or handbag.

That’s not surprising, because we’re given lots of information (though nowhere near enough to fill our brains), but not many schools teach us how to store and recall that information for efficient use.