Maximum Memory Power by John Williams - HTML preview

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Test Your Pictures

If I mention Candy bars, then you’ll immediately see Sausages, won’t you?

If that doesn’t work, don’t panic. Just try a couple of the others in the list to see if they work for you;

Lettuce < > …………………….?

Bread < > …………………….?

If none of those links come up for you, then you just need to make your images more extreme!

It’s easy to do, but most people need some practice. To help your pictures stick and make your links more effective, use the techniques which you’ve seen in cartoons:

Simplify the items in the pictures. You just need a fish, not a bass or a steelhead.

Add outrageous action wherever possible. If you have candy bars coming from a milk bottle, then imagine them exploding out in a torrent – not just dribbling out.

Exaggerate the size of the items. The GIANT fish wrapped in the tiny newspaper.

Use lots of the items. Have millions of Candy bars pouring from your milk bottle, not just hundreds!

Copyright © 2006 by John Williams 35.

“Maximum Memory Power” by John Williams

Page 36 of 67

Swap the items. Brush your teeth hard with the milk carton, instead of a brush The more consistently and frequently you use this method, the better and quicker you will see improvements in your recall.

This is really as easy as it sounds. You mind is an almost infinite sponge and can comfortably absorb hundreds of lists. But, when you’ve finished with the list, it will soon disappear as you store more, and probably longer, lists in the future.

Copyright © 2006 by John Williams 36.

“Maximum Memory Power” by John Williams

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