Maximum Memory Power by John Williams - HTML preview

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Z z

0 = Zero

Copyright © 2006 by John Williams 43.

“Maximum Memory Power” by John Williams

Page 44 of 67

These sounds and their association with the base numbers is the foundation of the system, so please give it your best efforts.

Don’t worry if you need more than an hour of practice to be able to recall them quickly, without effort, in or out of sequence and in any order.

My one-hour estimate is based on feedback which I’ve had from some people that I showed the system to. Even if you take longer, your effort will be repaid by both your improved ability to mentally store and recall long numbers and your better all-round use of your memory.

When you have some long numbers to memorize, take each in turn and convert it to the equivalent sounds of your Numeric Pegs. For example, the number 814226425 would become; f t n n j r n l - My mnemonic (memory jogger) for that is aFTeRNooNJouRNaL

Copyright © 2006 by John Williams 44.

“Maximum Memory Power” by John Williams

Page 45 of 67