Maximum Memory Power by John Williams - HTML preview

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Mapping Your Path

The better that you organize your material when preparing your speech, or other presentation, the easier it will be to deliver.

One technique that I use is Mind Mapping, popularized by Tony Buzan. It’s a method of organizing your material and relating the different parts to each other in an understandable way.

That makes it easier to keep the speech in a logical order and to focus on the material so that it fixes better in your mind.

With a Mind Map, you put the central topic, or thought, for your presentation in the center of a large sheet of paper. Think of the main sub-sections of your talk and put them inside individual circles on separate spokes which radiate from that central topic.

Then you can break each section down in to sub-topics. They go on spokes that radiate from the relevant subtopics in your diagram. This makes it very easy to;

• see relationships between particular sections,

• notice any important areas which you had not put in your original plan and

• decide the best order in which to present your material to that particular audience.