Meditation Mystery and Mastery by Masterstorm - HTML preview

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Centering Self

In the enthusiasm off it all, some may even overlook simple ways to having a better quality of life, being happier, healthier or simply just for healing. Meditation is one of these simple ways.

Meditation need not be a complicated process, nor need it be a religious process. However those who desire to take the quest deeper may find spiritual fulfillment too. Of course for meditation to work, it application and practice must be right.

Being able to stay focus and centered throughout the meditative process is the key to reaping the benefits of meditation. The level of centeredness the individual has achieved dictates his or her reactions and that of the surroundings. When there is a level of centeredness from within the outer events adjust to the inner energy because the centered energy is stronger than dissipated, reactive energy. Meditation is principally the art of learning how to reach this level of centeredness. It is even referred to as the closest link between one’s spiritual nature and God.

When the individual does not understand the importance of attaining this centeredness, then the problems around, take on more significance. Resulting in the failure mentality seeping in and a lot of negative energy is released. Though we can never control all things especially outward influences, with the use of meditation it is possible to control our state of mind and thus the reactive outcome. Meditation raises the level of consciousness and strengthens our aura.