Mental Alchemy - How to Attract Any Amount of Money in a Few Weeks (or Days) by Wellington Rodrigues, B.M.Sc./Ct.Hy. - HTML preview

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And what does that mean? We must vibrate in the SAME frequency, or in synchronicity with that which we want to attract/experience.


Sometimes (usually most of the times) as I talk to people about financial abundance, I hear statements such as:

“I have lived in limitation all my life”
“Money seems to escape from my hands”
“I have no conditions... I can’t”
“I don’t have the right… (knowledge, opportunities, talents, etc.)” “Poor me”
etc, etc. ad nauseum

Are “they” really teaching you “The Secret?” – The answer may SHOCK you


Well, the bad news is; these mental and emotional frequencies are perpetuating your situation! I’ll be very clear and to the point here as I am with all my private students:


Is that clear enough? I hope so. If lamentation and complaining worked, I’d be doing that 24 hours a day.

I am not here to console anybody; I have no intention of acknowledging your misery and feeling empathy for it. I am here to “kick your butt into next Friday” and wake you up to your true potential. I want to EMPOWER you to finally put in practice all the theories of books, movies, and “Secrets”.

Some call me arrogant or too tough, but my clients do not complain about the radical results they produce in their lives. To me what matter are RESULTS, theories and philosophy does not fill anybody’s wallet or stomach, period.

We will start then by FOREVER ELIMINATING the “ poor me” or “I’ve never had the means or opportunities” frequencies, and entering a frequency of PERSONAL POWER. This POWER frequency is nothing more than our original state, as beings created in the image and likeness of our creator and having dominion over all things on earth.

Are you exercising this dominion, or are you complaining over circumstances? That is the greatest difference between winners and losers.

Are “they” really teaching you “The Secret?” – The answer may SHOCK you

To me your past doesn’t matter either. Only museums profit from the past. You are living TODAY, NOW, and this is your point of power. The past is gone. The way in which you think and feel TODAY is what will define your future, not what happened in the past; Unless, of course, you keep on focusing on whatever happened in the past and using it as an excuse for your current limitations. The choice is yours, so stop the blaming game. Forgive dad, mom, the government, and whoever you blame for your current circumstances and get a grip!

Start observing yourself during the day, when you think about your financial condition, or when you buy something. What first comes to mind? Worries, doubts? The “I can’t” voice? If these come to mind it means that you’re in a NEGATIVE frequency. So lets reverse this condition immediately...

Copy and/or print the text below and READ IT CONSTANTLY! Tape it to your bathroom mirror, to your refrigerator’s door, to your bedside, have it on your office’s desk, in your wallet, etc. Immerse yourself in this powerful text:

The Cosmic Contract

“I _______________________________________________________ DESERVE all the good and abundance I can dream of, for me and my loved ones. I am, at this moment and FOREVER, eliminating any residue of fear, doubt, unbelief, self-pity and scarcity from my life.

I proclaim and ORDER that you, my powerful subconscious mind, which has the power of a thousand atomic bombs, bring me ALL the riches and abundances that are mine by right and divine inheritance. YOU KNOW where they are and where they will come from, and from now on, you are in direct contact with the Universal Cosmic Force to bring me ALL that I want and DESERVE as a child of the Universe! And so it is, now and forever.
(Write your name in the blank space)

Are “they” really teaching you “The Secret?” – The answer may SHOCK you

By immersing yourself in this text through daily reading, you will be finally exerting your dominion and the power of FREE-WILL (the FIRST law of the Universe) over your life and circumstances. Most people approach the Universe from a position of begging. Never do this; never engage in imploring from your Universe. The orders MUST pass through the subconscious mind and you MUST ORDER it to bring exactly what you want. The Universe is neutral, and it will give to you whatever was ordered through the subconscious, be it a cent or a million dollars. YOU set the size. The subconscious mind IS your SERVER, your personal genie, but it needs a STRONG and DECISIVE master to follow!

STEP 2- Create a motive or a goal

Why do you wish to materialize a certain amount of money? To buy an important book, to take your wife to dinner on her birthday, to invest on a course that will improve your life, or to buy yourself a gift?

Be CLEAR and write it down following the example below:

I wish to materialize $100 to:
________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Remember that we are starting with only $100 to get your engines moving – you will eventually increase that amount to whatever you want)

Are “they” really teaching you “The Secret?” – The answer may SHOCK you

STEP 3 – Set a deadline

If you wish to materialize the money to take your partner to a restaurant, for example, MARK that date on a calendar. Write something as shown below:


“I’ll take Anna to dinner at ________________________ restaurant, on ______, ________ 2008”.


If you wish to take a specific course, or invest on a program, write:


“I’ll attend/purchase ____________________________________________ by or before ______, ________ 2008”.
Set a deadline of a few days or weeks, but try not exceeding 2 months. We want it quickly, right?

STEP 4 - Give Thanks for the money

Every single day, upon awakening, and sometimes during the day, say:


Thank you, Universe (God, Cosmic Force), for the $100 that are on the way.”

Feel the truth of this affirmation, as if a person that you trust had promised to give the money to you, and you’re just waiting for the date to receive it. After love, gratitude is the most powerful frequency in the universe. It can attract the things that you want as much as complaining can attract the things that you don’t want!

Are “they” really teaching you “The Secret?” – The answer may SHOCK you

STEP 5 – WRITE the following affirmation EVERY SINGLE DAY

I, ___________________, easily, quickly and effortlessly materialize $100. (Your name in the blank space)

It is EXTREMELY important to WRITE your short affirmations. Here it suffices to say that by doing so you will be programming your mind through different senses. Write the affirmation 20 times a day until you reach the goal. Then increase it as you wish.

STEP 6 – Before sleeping, visualize yourself using the money.

What have you written on STEPS 2 and 3? Just close your eyes and SEE yourself doing what you wish with the money. The visualization does NOT have to be long. 3 to 5 minutes, with the right intensity and without distractions will be enough. Quality here is more important than quantity.

STEP 7 – FEEL the state of your wish materialized.

As good old Neville Goddard used to day, “Feeling is the secret”.

How would you FEEL right now if you already had the desired amount in your hands or wallet? Live in this feeling of tranquility, the feeling of HAVING, not of WANTING. By doing this you will be stepping into the frequency of your desire realized and creating synchronicity – the true secret of creation.

If you wish the money to buy yourself a gift, visit the store, see the item you wish to buy, try it, touch it, smell it, listen to it, etc. If you wish the money to participate in a course or purchase any program online, see and FEEL yourself seating in the audience, or enjoying the program, always conscious that the item already belongs to you, and that you’re just waiting for the payment from the Universe to complete the purchase.

Are “they” really teaching you “The Secret?” – The answer may SHOCK you

STEP 8 – Be on the lookout for opportunities.

As you start following the previous 7 steps in this formula, the Universe will move heavens and earth to bring you that which was ordered. Opportunities will pop up everywhere. Wait and see. Your task is to be attentive to these opportunities.

A client of mine, for example, four days after starting this practice, was driving to work when he saw an older man in distress. The man was having problems with his car’s engine, and my client stopped and asked if he could be of any help. Since my client was familiar with auto engines, he was able to solve the problem in a few minutes. The man then took a $100 bill out of his wallet and gave it to my client, saying: “Thank you very much, you saved me. I have to be in a very important corporate meeting in half an hour and I’d be lost if it were not for your kindness.”

Another client, who apparently had not materialized the money after a month, called me and asked: “What am I doing wrong?” Then I questioned him: “Are you sure that there was no unexpected income or gain last month?” He thought for a while then answered: “Hum, I don’t think so, the only thing that happened out of the usual is that I was looking for a new TV set to buy. I saw an ad for a store nearby and left home with the cash. When I arrived in the store, I noticed that the TV set I wanted was on sale. The price had dropped $130.00 for that special sale weekend.”

After listening to him patiently, my answer was: “Well, if to you this does not represent a GAIN of $130.00, what is it then? Money unexpectedly saved is money earned, right?” He agreed with me and was grateful for the explanation. Later on he attracted even more.

BE ON THE LOOKOUT. For some, the extra money may come as a gift or bonus from the boss, a payment for a debt someone was owning you for months, an extra unexpected gig, etc. We have no way to know, and we DON’T need to know. Do NOT place limitations on the Universe; do not focus on only one possibility. Be attentive every day

Are “they” really teaching you “The Secret?” – The answer may SHOCK you


to the gains and unexpected possibilities. I heard testimonials of people finding money on the beach, wining on a scrap game, or receiving an unexpected inheritance.

Whenever you reach that state of TRUE synchronicity, heavens and earth will move to bring you your desire, and anything can and WILL happen. This is the promise of the Ancient Masters, the TRUE keepers of The Secret.

After materializing the amount suggested in this formula ($100), increase the amount gradually. Aim for $250.00, then $500.00, $1,000.00, and so on. This formula works for any amount you can conceive as possible. Again, the decision is in your hands and mind.

The limit is dictated by how high you can dream and your degree of trust in the Universal Power.

This formula is simple, and can be followed by anyone. READ all the steps one more time and implement one-by-one. This report is not intended to explain WHY this formula works, and you don’t have to know it. Knowing the how-to is enough. If you want to delve deeper into the field of Personal Empowerment, check the resources pages for some recommended suggestions, but the 7 steps in this report will suffice to help you accomplish your financial gains.

Are “they” really teaching you “The Secret?” – The answer may SHOCK you


Please send me your testimonials of gain from using this formula.

What I’m sharing here is priceless for those who have the courage and open mind to try it, and it can dramatically change your financial life, regardless of recessions, depressions, or market conditions.

This formula is worth more than many books and movies put together. In exchange, all I ask is for your testimonial, and I also will ask for you to share this report with as many people as possible. Do not be greedy. There’s enough abundance in the Universe for everyone.

Feel free to contact me at anytime. I am a REAL person, not one more of those “overnight riches and fame” guys selling information online. I write about what I KNOW and have proven true in my life.

May the Force be with you!
Wellington Rodrigues
Are “they” really teaching you “The Secret?” – The answer may SHOCK you

For the last 25 years of my life I have been dedicating myself to discover and use the powers that we all have. I had many teachers, was helped by many quality programs. And I urge you NOT to STOP growing. Learn about yourself and the powers of your mind. The resources below are highly recommended, and now you have the formula for materializing the money to invest on them! “Good information does not cost, it pays”.

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