Mind Over Money How to Program Your Mind for Wealth by Ilya Alexi - HTML preview

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DAY 22


I have stated repeatedly that in order to be wealthy, you first must generate feelings of wealth. You must feel prosperous in order to be prosperous, and perhaps the most important aspect of this feeling is the ability to treat yourself, and others, with true kindness. Today you will learn yet another way to open your mind to vast riches, even if you still seem to be surrounded by lack.

Yesterday I reiterated the importance of viewing physical money as a symbol of your creative energy. With this concept in mind, you can go one step further and view all of your interactions within the physical world as symbols of your present psychological state. As I have repeated numerous times, everything that you experience in your life is drawn to you by the focus of your mind. This is a literal, concrete truth. With this knowledge you can analyze your own mind simply by judging your physical experience. If you are happy with some aspect of your life, then in this area you are using your mind effectively. If you are unhappy, then something needs to change. Kindness is a shortcut to change.

By treating yourself kindly, by treating everybody you meet kindly, and by reacting to every situation in your life with kindness, you rapidly teach your mind that you belong on this planet, that you are loved, that you are loving, that everything is as it should be, and that you are eternally taken care of. Kindness instantly dissipates anger, fear, worry, resentment, and strife.

Acting with kindness fills you with the feeling of worthiness. You are worthy of happiness, love, and wealth. With this psychological state, you can be infinitely kind and loving in all of your life experiences, and you will effortlessly attract the situations necessary to lead a truly prosperous existence.

Being kind will also bring many more positive reactions to you from others. You will find that opportunities open for you that in the past were closed. And by treating yourself kindly, you will train your mind that you are deserving of the abundance of the universe, and this, in turn, will help to magically draw more rewarding experiences to you.


TAKE ACTION: If you have not yet read the inspiring book “Random Acts of Kindness,” go to the bookstore or library today and glance through it. And today, do something kind for someone you do not know and do not tell anyone about it. Simply enjoy the emotion of giving without expecting anything in return. Right now, decide upon one simple act of kindness that you can accomplish in the next 24 hours.

“All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye have received them and ye shall have them.”

Jesus Christ