Mindful Meditation by Masterstorm - HTML preview

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Chapter 6 – Relaxation & Mindfulness Uncovered

After a hectic day full of meetings, deadlines and family responsibilities, we all need a little bit of relaxation. While there are many ways that you can unwind and relax one of the most effective and easy ways is meditation.

The idea of meditation revolves around the bringing your thoughts to a focal point for a certain amount of time. With practice, this will help learn how to put your mind to rest and allow your stressful thoughts fade away. During meditation your breathing slows down, blood pressure is reduced, and your body becomes relaxed and rejuvenated.

According to the Mayo Clinic when you focus on one thing while you're meditating it allows your other thoughts to pass by. In a multi-tasking world, paying attention to just one thing that can be daunting task for many of us. An easy way to get started is to simply listen to your breathing.

  • Sit comfortably so you're not distracted by physical pain, then close your eyes and listen to your breath.
  • Breathe in and out through your nose, but don't otherwise try to control the rate or depth of your breath.
  • When thoughts try to crowd in on your meditation, let them fade as you refocus on listening to your breath. Feel how it flows down your throat. Feel your abdomen expand. Stay here as long as you can.

Practice your meditation daily (if possible) and work your way up to thirty minutes per session. Don’t get discouraged if this is difficult at first you will get better over time.

Here are a few of the most commonly used meditation exercises you can try for relaxation. They also help get rid of stress.

  • Tense And Relax

Clench the fists and pull your forearms against your upper arms firmly. Keep all your muscles tight including leg muscles and jaws. Now breathe deeply for at least 5 seconds and then relax your body at once. You will feel the tension releasing sensations.

  • Ideal Relaxation

In this meditation exercise, you have to close your eyes and focus on the perfect relaxation spot. This is different for everyone.

Select a place where you feel at peace like the beach, under a tree or in a field of flowers then paint a picture of it in your mind. Now imagine you are going there and let yourself feel like you really are. With practice, this will help you create a wonderful sense of wellbeing and allow you to relax no matter where you are.

Relaxation Techniques

Did you know that knowing a few good relaxation techniques can save your life? It’s true, you’ve seen the commercials on TV, heard the warnings from your doctor, stress is more than just an unpleasant of life, for some it’s downright dangerous to their health. Over time it can cause illness and even death.

Eating healthy, exercising and disciplined practices such as meditation can help relieve that stress when they are included as a part of your daily life, but what if you don't have the time or motivation?

Well, maybe you don’t have time to meditate for thirty minutes a day, but I’m pretty sure you can fit a few of these simple relaxation techniques in to your routine. They’re so easy you won’t even notice you’re doing them.

  • Hug someone. Giving a hug means getting one. As long as it's from somebody you don't mind hugging it can be really relaxing.
  • Interrupt you regular routines. Go talk to someone new, or eat lunch outside. Just doing something that breaks you out of your habitual patterns can be an instant stress reliever.
  • Have a hot shower. It relaxes your muscles, and any break from more stressful activities can help too. Some find that an alternating hot and cold shower is even more relaxing.
  • Watch your mind. Spot the stressors lurking just below the surface (hunger, worry, a phone call you need to make), and you can resolve them and feel more relaxed. If you practice this mindfulness exercise, it may become one of your favorite relaxation techniques.
  • Laughing. Proven studies show that it helps you relax. Think about the last time you had a good laugh. It made you feel good, didn’t it? People take laughing for granted and it really is one of life’s best medicines. Watch a funny show or better yet chat with your most upbeat friend. It’s guaranteed to help you relax.
  • Relaxing Music. Keep your favorite relaxation CD at the office, in the car, or wherever you'll need it most. There are hundreds if not thousand relaxing music track especially for meditation. Do a quick search online, you may even find some free ones to download.
  • Take A Break. Sometimes a change in scenery is all it takes to feel better. Simply leaving the room for a while can boost your energy. This can really help at work or in stressful settings. It’s much better than getting frustrated or angry.
  • Exhale Deeply. We’ve talked about this technique before but it’s worth repeating. Try taking five deep breaths through your nose and exhaling deeply. Close your eyes and pay attention only to your breathing while doing this. It's like a mini-meditation session, and perhaps one of the quickest and most effective relaxation techniques you can use.
  • Drink Some Chamomile Tea. Chamomile tea seems to have a calming effect on the nerves and quietly contemplating life while you sip is a great way to relive the days stress. If you’re not fond of chamomile any hot tea without caffeine will do.
  • Take A Walk. Often a quiet is all you need to feel better. If you have at least ten minutes to spare, walking is a great relaxation technique because in a way it’s multi tasking. You have the quiet contemplation and the health benefits too!