Modern Spiritual Astrology by Richard Palmer - HTML preview

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The Natal Chart

At the heart of astrological practice lies the Natal Chart, an exact image of the heavens drawn up for your time of birth at the specific date and place of your entry into the world. It is as though a “snapshot’ was taken of the heavens looking directly upward at the exact time and location of your birth. The example chart above will serve as the basis for this discussion of the Natal Chart, its primary elements and their interrelationship with each other. The Natal Chart is erected in the form of a circle which is divided into twelve equal   areas of exactly 30  Degrees  (30°) apiece (12 x 30° = 360° = the total number of degrees in a circle). Each 30° area is assigned to a Sign/House combination determined by the  actual birth information of the individual for whom the chart is drawn up. The planets are resident in these Sign/House combinations depending upon their position at the time of the individual’s birth. The inner ring displays a series of numbers from 1 to 12 in a counterclockwise direction. These represent the Houses (areas of life experience) that were previously discussed. In the middle ring reside the planets according to their position in the Zodiac at the time and place of birth. On the outer ring are inscribed the signs of the Zodiac also according to their astrological position viewed from the time, date and place of birth. Using the chart on the previous page as an example we are going to pursue an examination of its structure and symbolism so as to attain a total clarity and understanding before you obtain your own chart.

The chart is constructed upon a model of three concentric rings. In the innermost ring are inscribed a series of numbers from 1 to 12 reading in a counterclockwise direction. These numbers identify the various Houses of Astrology which deal with the various aspects of human experience in the natural world. In the second ring there is also a twelvefold division into wedge shaped sections somewhat like a pie that has been sectioned for serving. This ring is inhabited by the planets or the energies of consciousness which act within the various houses. In the final ring reside the Signs of the Zodiac which are read counterclockwise from the 1st House, which is commonly called the Sign of the Ascendant, as it is the Sign rising in the east at the moment of your birth.

Obtaining Your Own Natal Chart

The foundation of astrological analysis is the Natal Chart. Here will be discussed the various options available to help you attain an accurate Natal Chart from which you can paint your astrological portrait. Below are discussed the options which are available to you so as to enable  you to make an informed choice as to obtaining your Chart: 1) You can draw up your chart from scratch. This method is not for the fainthearted as it involves lengthy and complex mathematical calculations and detailed research to determine the correct positions of the planets with respect to the local time and the longitude and latitude of your birthplace. This was the method of the ancients and of astrologers before the advent of modern computers and software. 2) You may purchase a specialized software program for your computer which will allow you to erect your Natal Chart as well as those of other people if you are inclined to learn and practice astrology. As another option, you can obtain a copy of your chart from an online service or a local astrologer. The Internet offers thousands of sources from which you can obtain your chart, but before you do so please make sure that you completely understand the following information.

There are two major factors that you must take into consideration before you obtain a copy of your Natal Chart. The first is the type of Zodiac being employed and the second is the choice of the House System used by whoever provides your chart. Both of these choices are extremely important so these two elements will be explained in some detail so that you can make an informed decision.

The first factor that must be considered is your choice of the type of Zodiac which is being employed in the construction of your Natal Chart. There two types of Zodiac in common usage in the construction of Natal charts: The Tropical Zodiac and the Sidereal Zodiac. The important difference between them is that the Tropical Zodiac is oriented towards the seasons of Nature while the Sidereal zodiac is orientated towards the positions of the stars. If you live in a Western society, which you probably will be if you are reading this book, it is important that you make sure that your Natal Chart uses the Tropical zodiac as this approach is the dominant one used in Western Astrology.

The second, and somewhat more complicated factor, is the choice of the House System employed in your Natal Chart. Throughout the history of astrology, there has been more than one approach to the division of the chart into the twelve segments which comprise the House System of the Chart. These systems go by various names such as Placidius, Koch, and Regiomontanus and are usually named after the noted historical astrologers who developed them. Other House Systems are named after their approach to the division of the chart into twelve equal segments such as the system employed in this book which is termed the: “Whole Sign System”.

In simplest terms, this system divides the chart into twelve equal house segments each of which is covered by the full 30° of the Zodiac Sign which “carries” the house. Each Sign/House combination begins on 0° of the Sign and ends on 30° of its associated Sign.  On this page is illustrated the Whole Sign System in the natural Zodiac which is identical to a chart whose first house carries the rising Sign of Aries.


The Whole Sign System