Modern Spiritual Astrology by Richard Palmer - HTML preview

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The Ascendant Sign

This is the sign of the Zodiac that was rising on the horizon at the moment of your birth. According to Astrology, it is one of the most fundamental aspects of you as an individual - the astrological foundation upon which your individuality is built and which determines the character of the soil out of which your consciousness has grown and developed. It is also called the “Rising Sign” as it covers the First House of your chart and is the Sign that was rising in the east at the hour of your birth. In the area of the chart occupied by your Ascendant Sign you will see an “Asc”. This denotes the exact minute of your birth.

My Ascendant Sign is ____________________.

Look up your Ascendant below to gain an insight into how its essential astrological character manifests itself in your consciousness.

Ascendant of Aries

Driven by a strong will to succeed, Arians always stand out from the crowd. They are determined individuals who take a direct approach to solving problems and attain success through their ability to clearly see and act upon essential details that others cannot perceive. Arians can be adventurous, energetic, pioneering, courageous, enthusiastic, confident, dynamic and quick witted though on their shadow side they can be very selfish, quick tempered, impulsive, impatient and foolhardy.

Ascendant of Taurus

Natives of Taurus possess a natural charm and are often very reliable and stable people. They are blessed with an abundance of common sense and are methodical, careful and decisive in all that they do. The worship material and social security and place on great deal of emphasis on acquiring material possessions and social status in the material world. They advance step by step in the pursuit of their goals, leaving no stone unturned and taking no shortcuts along the way. At their best natives of Taurus are patient, reliable, warm hearted, loving, determined and security conscious but on the shadow side of their personality they can be prone to jealousy, possessive, inflexible, self indulgent and greedy.

Ascendant of Gemini

Versatility is the cornerstone of the Gemini character and there is a strong need to communicate due to the influence of Mercury, the ruler of the Sign. Natives of Gemini tend to be very logical and rational people but can be very inconsistent as their great need for variety often leads them to acquire a superficial knowledge of many subjects but with no depth in any of them. At their best natives of Gemini are adaptable, communicative, witty, eloquent, youthful and lively people but on their shadow side they can be nervy, tense, superficial, inconsistent, cunning and overly inquisitive.

Ascendant of Cancer

Tenacity and bravery in the face of difficulties, protection of self and family and a loving, kind and caring heart are the foundations of a person born in the Sign of Cancer. Natives of Cancer are blessed with strong and vivid imaginations and a mind that works quickly and on an instinctual level but they are prone to worry and can be very moody at times. At their best the natives of Cancer can be loving, intuitive, imaginative, shrewd, cautious, protective and sympathetic persons but on their shadow side they can be changeable, moody, over emotional, touchy, clinging and unable to let go even if nothing remains.

Ascendant of Leo

Leo’s are characterized by their warmth, generosity and desire to understand others. They have an inherently powerful creative urge and an infectious vitality and enthusiasm. Their intense need of personal fulfillment always motivates them to live life to the fullest. On the positive side of their character Leos can be generous, warm hearted, creative, and enthusiastic, broad minded, faithful and loving individuals but the shadow side of their personality can make them pompous, patronizing, dogmatic, intolerant and dictatorial.

Ascendant of Virgo

Natives of Virgo are the pragmatists of the zodiac; they are highly organized, reliable and methodical and can always be counted on for an exacting, diligent and industrious approach to all that they do. These natives have abundant nervous energy and can be very talkative. Their critical  and analytical  faculties are their greatest assets but on the shadow side of their personality they can worry too much and can be over critical, too conservative and focused on unattainable perfectionism.

Ascendant of Libra

Librans have a deep inner need for harmony and balance. They want to be free of undue pressure in their personal and professional relationships and have a deep dislike of hurting other people in any manner. It is important for them to be able to share their lives and they are often times willing to sacrifice for the sake of others. Their gravest fault is that they tend to give into pressure from others and oftentimes prefer to “sit on the fence” rather than make commitments. On the positive side Librans can be diplomatic, urbane, romantic, charming, easy going, sociable, idealistic and peaceable in nature. However, on the shadow side of their personalities they can be very indecisive, easily influenced and self-indulgent.

Ascendant of Scorpio

The Ascendants of Scorpio tend to look beneath the surface as they have powerful emotional natures and tend to form deep emotional involvements in their career and personal relationships. They can be determined, forceful, emotional, intuitive, powerful, passionate, exciting and magnetic people but also can be prone to jealousy and be resentful, compulsive, obsessive, secretive and obstinate. They are capable of deep, incisive and analytical thought but also want to get the most out of life by filling up their life with school, work and other demanding interests.

Ascendant of Sagittarius

Sagittarians are most noted for their natural enthusiasm and zest for life. They have a natural exuberance that expresses itself in a great enjoyment of life and in their sense of humor and personal charm. They are very versatile people with an eye on the future and often have great breath of vision but their biggest fault is restlessness as they are not good at coping with detail and may flit like a butterfly from one thing to another without completing anything. Their positive personality traits are that they are optimistic, jovial, good humored, honest and straightforward and can be very intellectual and philosophical but on their shadow side they can be blindly optimistic, superficial, careless, irresponsible and tactless.

Ascendant of Capricorn

Capricorns can be very ambitious and aspiring. They have the energy and will to succeed and a great potential to be successful in whatever they do. They are prudent, patient and methodical and always strive to do the “right thing.” Natives of Capricorn are disciplined individuals with a splendid sense of humor but can be hindered in the pursuit of their goals by a lack of self-confidence or self esteem. On the positive side, natives of Capricorn can be practical, prudent, ambitious, disciplined, cautious and humorous individuals but on their shadow side they can often be pessimistic, fatalistic, miserable, rigid and rule bound.

Ascendant of Aquarius

Ascendants of Aquarius have a strong need to be independent and must develop and maintain the right lifestyle in order to be successful and happy. They tend to be friendly, helpful, positive, idealistic and optimistic persons. Among their many positive traits are their characteristic friendliness, honesty, loyalty, inventiveness, originality and intellectualism. However, the shadow side of their character may reveal itself in intractable attitudes, perversity and unpredictability or a lack of emotional response to others.

Ascendant of Pisces

The Ascendants of Pisces are individuals whose kind hearts are joined with a strong intuition. They are friendly, charitable, self sacrificing and imaginative but often fail to realize their own potential due to the fact that they spend to much of their time helping others and not enough time realizing their own innate gifts.  There greatest fault is that they tend to live in a dream world and they oftentimes have a difficult time facing reality making them prone to self deception. Ascendants of Pisces tend to be imaginative, sensitive, compassionate, kind, selfless, intuitive and sympathetic persons but they can also be overly idealistic, escapist, weak willed, vague or easily led.