Modern Spiritual Astrology by Richard Palmer - HTML preview

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The position of the Moon in your Natal chart represents the chart area of the strongest focus and expression of that aspect of your consciousness which you experience as your emotional nature. In your Moon Sign you discover the character and manner of the expression of your emotional nature. It reveals the character of your emotional response to life and how you react emotionally to external influences and to the actions of others. In the experiences of your daily life represented by the House in which your Moon resides are shown those areas where your emotional nature finds its most powerful expression.

My Moon resides in the Sign of _________________.


When your natal Moon resides in Aries it brings a warm hearted but restless and impulsive emotional nature. There is a strong tendency to act through emotion rather than reason especially when passions are smoldering beneath the surface. This position gives a fiery heart that is given to direct and honest expression but acts too much in haste for its own good.


When your natal Moon resides in Taurus it brings an earthy and practical emotional response to life. This Moon is a sensual Moon and gives the individual strong sense impressions and the love of sex, good food, comfort and material possessions. There is a strong need for emotional and financial security and worldly success is attained by a conservative and conventional approach to business, employment and career. With this lunar position you must guard against laziness, greed, overeating and excessive attachment to material comforts.


When your natal Moon resides in Gemini your emotional nature tends to be overshadowed by excessive rationalism causing an inconsistent emotional response to life. You emotional nature often tends to see-saw and you sometimes are so uncertain about your own feelings that you distrust your own emotional responses. With this lunar natal position you must beware of falling into confused emotional states or projecting emotional indifference in your relationships.


When your natal Moon resides in Cancer you have a sensitive nature given to deep emotional responses. This position often brings a delicate psychic sensitivity which enables you to perceive and understand the unvoiced needs of others. The need to nurture others is your inner prime directive and your greatest happiness and sense of well being will occur in a marriage and family environment. With this lunar position you need to guard against over possessiveness, timidity or self inhibition.


When your natal Moon resides in Leo your emotional nature is warm, loving, optimistic and positive in its expression. Passionate emotional forces dwell within you that demand gratification through physical experiences such as sex, aggressive sports, politics or competitive social and business situations. You are perceived as being an emotionally genuine person but with this natal position you must guard against self centeredness, pride, selfishness and the need to emotionally dominate others.


When your natal Moon resides in Virgo you are of a quiet emotional nature and tend to be guarded in the expression of your feelings. You have difficulty in expressing your emotions openly and are often perceived as being rather cool and aloof. You are respected as being both honest and amicable and having a high regard for truth but with this natal position you must guard against being self indulgent, overly cautious or too self critical.


When your natal Moon resides in Libra you are of a charming, gentile, peace loving and kind emotional nature. You are a sociable and diplomatic spirit who may be thrust into the role of a peacemaker due to your natural understanding of, and sympathy towards, other’s points of view.  You are perceived as being an innately fair and trustworthy person but with this natal position you need to guard against being too indecisive, lazy or self indulgent.


When your natal Moon resides in Scorpio you are of a secretive lunar nature and are given to an intense emotionality where brooding passions often lie beneath a self confident and rigidly controlled exterior.  You possess great willpower and good judgment and are guided by strong beliefs but are generally led by your emotions.   You are perceived by others as being an energetic, hard working and courageous individual but with this natal position you need to guard against jealousy, vindictiveness and a tendency to seek revenge.


When your natal Moon resides in Sagittarius you are of an open, generous and spontaneous emotional nature. A good natured, kind, honest and gentile lunar nature dwells within you that is nurtured by a lofty idealism and a deep desire to learn. You are perceived by others as being a somewhat secretive but sincere individual with a zest for life and a firm belief in the principals of justice and fair play, but with this natal position you need to guard against over confidence, self indulgence and taking too many unnecessary risks.


When your natal Moon resides in Capricorn you are of a cool, calm, strong and steadfast emotional nature. You often tend to deny your own emotional needs in favor of hard work, dedication and the accomplishment of your own personal goals. A deeply private person, yours is a complicated emotional nature shielded from others by your reluctance to share your feelings. Others perceive you as a serious, responsible and tenacious person but with this natal position you need to guard against selfishness, insensitivity or harboring anger and resentment towards others.


When your natal Moon resides in Aquarius, you are of an open, even tempered and sociable emotional nature. While you sometimes have problems expressing your own emotions, you are sympathetic towards others feelings and friendly towards all. Others perceive you as a humanitarian who aspires to the highest ideals of honesty and integrity - someone who  willingly takes the side of the downtrodden and oppressed -but with this natal position you need to guard against a fear of emotional involvement, self pity or a haughty sense of intellectual detachment.


When your natal Moon resides in Pisces you are of a compassionate, understanding and gentile emotional nature. Your exquisite emotionality makes you feel all things deeply and brings out a strong psychic awareness which tends to express itself in music, art or other spiritual pursuits. Others perceive you as a tenderhearted person of poetic soul who is both humorous and sociable in nature but with this natal position you need to guard against escapist tendencies, self deception or domination by the Unconscious Mind.


The House in which the Moon resides reveals the astrological focus of your emotional self. Your emotions will be most powerfully expressed in the specific area of experience represented by the House.

My Moon resides in the_______________House.

The Moon in the First House of the Self

This is the house of the Self. It expresses your self consciousness and general character. It is the house of personality development where you become aware of and cultivate your unique consciousness as an individual. When your Moon resides in this house, your emotional nature is focused is on the development and realization of the potentials inherent within your personality.

The Moon in the Second House of Material and Moral Foundation

This is the house of money, finances and material possessions and relates to your earning capacity and your financial gains or loses – your material development and the material foundation of your life. When your Moon resides in this house, your emotional nature is focused is on the development of a secure material and financial foundation in life as well as a strong moral one.


The Moon in the Third House of Mental Development

The Third House is the house of the mind and of mental development through the use of will; it represents the exploration and development of your  intellectual faculties  and their  application to  the real  world.  When your Moon resides in this house, your emotional nature is focused is on your overall mental development and the expansion of your communication skills.


The Moon in the Fourth House of the Home

The Fourth House relates to the emotional environment of the home and to the family and domestic concerns. It is the emotional foundation of your life. When your Moon resides in this house, your emotional nature is focused  on family and domestic concerns.

The Moon in the Fifth House of Procreation

The Fifth House encompasses pregnancy, love affairs, children and romance as well as creativity and pleasure. At its root lies the self-expressive impulse – the drive towards the individualization of your life. It is your house of active self-expression and self-development and reflects the quest for self fulfillment. When your Moon resides in this house, the focus of your emotional nature is on expanding and multiplying oneself through biological and creative procreation.

The Moon in the Sixth House of Work and Service

The Sixth House is the house of work and of your service to others. Its affairs embrace your employment, daily routines and working relationships. When your Moon resides in this house, the focus of your emotional nature is on the relationships and duties encountered in your working life as well as on those areas where you render compassionate service to others.

The Moon in the Seventh House of Relationships

The Seventh House encompasses the sphere of marriage and close personal relationships in life. This is the house of marriage and of the close personal relationships that you form with other people in the business world and in your social sphere. When your Moon resides in this house, the focus of your emotional nature is on the intimate relationships in your life.

The Moon in the Eighth House of Transformation

The Eighth House centers on the psychic and emotional sides of your life; sex, the beginning of death, passions, power and the undiscovered sides of your life.  It is  where  the  right  brained  person  will  encounter  their left  brained side and the left brained person will encounter their right brained side. When your Moon resides in this house, the focus of your emotional nature is on psychic development.

The Moon in the Ninth House of Spirituality

The Ninth House is the house of spiritual development and of higher education and learning. It represents your spiritual evolution, experience of the Divine and the attainment of a higher level of consciousness. When your Moon resides in this house, its focus is on the expansion of your spiritual awareness.

The Moon in the Tenth House of Career

The Tenth House centers on your career, means of livelihood, professional success and achievements, and your professional status in the community. When your Moon resides in this house, the focus of your emotional nature is on advancement and success in your career.

The Moon in the Eleventh House of Friends

The Eleventh House is the house of social relationships and friendships and of your hopes and dreams for the future. When your Moon resides in this house, the focus of your emotional nature will be on reaping the benefits of your status in society, experiencing the pleasure of your relationships with your friends, and harvesting the fruits of your realized hopes and dreams.

The Moon in the Twelfth House of Self Knowledge

The Twelfth House is your house of self knowledge gained through the awareness of your inner world. When your Moon resides in this house, the focus of your emotional nature is on gaining self knowledge through valuing your psychic intuition and creative imagination and the integration of dreams into your conscious life.