Modern Spiritual Astrology by Richard Palmer - HTML preview

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The position of Saturn in your chart represents the strongest focus and expression of the energy which the ancients called “agnoia” – an ancient Greek word which best translates as “self unknowing”. In the area where this planet resides we find the character, manner and mode of expression of the energy of self unknowing that causes restrictions and limitations in these areas of your life. In the areas of your daily life represented by Saturn’s Sign and House are revealed those areas in which you must learn to develop the willpower, self-discipline, discrimination and patience to transform the influence of this restricting and limiting energy into a higher level of self knowledge, self awareness and self understanding.

My Saturn resides in the Sign of _________________.


When your natal Saturn resides in Aries the energies of self unknowing will most strongly influence your development of self confidence and faith in yourself. You are a person who frequently lacks self esteem, is very self critical and needs to be in charge of every situation. Others experience you as having a very charismatic and strong presence – a person who has taken command of his own destiny and is on a sure path to success - but with this natal position you need to guard against being to suspicious or distrustful or failing to find the right balance between caution and impulsiveness.


When your natal Saturn resides in Taurus the energy of self unknowing most strongly influences those areas of your life related to material security, money and financial affairs. You are a patient, stable and hard working person who tends to embrace conservative and practical values. Other people experience you as a loyal and trustworthy person but with this natal position you need to guard against excessive conservatism, stubbornness and an obsessive over concern with your own emotional and financial security.


When your natal Saturn resides in Gemini the energy of self unknowing centers on the development of your intellect and reasoning powers and the expansion  of  your  mental  capacity.  You  tend  to  be  a cautious thinker whose thought processes are slow and patient, but are highly organized. Others experience you as a sober and stable individual with a positive attitude but with this natal position you need to guard against a tendency to overwork and the avoidance of challenges that will advance your mental growth.


When your natal Saturn resides in Cancer the energy of self unknowing is most powerfully expressed as a denial of your need for closeness and intimacy and an inability to understand your own feelings. You are a person who has a strong need for security but you can be a hard person to get to know due to your reluctance to honestly reveal your emotions. Others experience you as a person who values responsibility but with this natal position you need to guard against timidity, pessimism and emotional insecurity.


When your natal Saturn resides in Leo the energy of self unknowing most influences those aspects of your life related to your social recognition and professional advancement and your development of healthy levels of self confidence and self esteem. You are a strong willed and creative person with a powerful need for recognition and personal success. Others experience you as a disciplined individual who performs best in a leadership role but with this natal position you need to guard against self doubt, undervaluing yourself and being too overly cautious in your business and personal affairs.


When your natal Saturn resides in Virgo the energy of self unknowing most strongly influences those areas of your life related to your practical work situation and your ability to maintain attention to detail in your assigned tasks. You are a person who admires order and precision and are very conscientious in fulfilling your responsibilities. Others experience you as a prudent and practical person who takes a cautious and conservative approach to life, especially in matters of money and finance, but with this natal position you need to guard against general irritability or an inner disposition towards melancholy and depression.


When your natal Saturn resides in Libra, the energy of self unknowing will exert itself most powerfully in those aspects of your life which center on your personal relationships in the social and business world. With this placement, you will strive for a balanced, rational and logical point of view through which your intellect will promote a sense of justice and fairness in all the areas of your personal sphere. Others experience you as a tactful and diplomatic individual with a strong sense of personal integrity, but with this Natal position you must guard against feeling alienated and unloved or casting a too critical of an eye upon the faults of others.


When your natal Saturn resides in Scorpio the energy of self unknowing will most strongly influence the development of your own personal sense of security as well as the pursuit of your own goals and ambitions. You are a person of serious temperament and terrific will power who can be shrewd, forceful and motivating. Others experience you as a passionate and intense person who always travels the hard road, but with this natal position you need to guard against jealousy, a loss of emotional control or becoming overly manipulative.


When your natal Saturn resides in Sagittarius the energy of self unknowing inhibits your quest for an authentic spiritual awareness resulting from the attainment of a higher consciousness. You are an independent, cautious and tolerant person and your reputation is very important to you. Others experience you as a person with conservative views who does not yield easily to change, but with this natal position you need to beware of becoming too callous, indecisive or adopting narrow minded attitudes.


When your natal Saturn resides in Capricorn, the energy of self unknowing expresses itself through a stern and uncompromising attitude that negates the more desirable aspects of life. You can be a cold and cynical individual but you are a very diligent and dependable person who can be counted on in a crisis. Others experience you as a serious, practical and ambitious person but with this natal position you need to guard against selfishness, adopting an overly suspicious attitude or yielding to an unnatural hunger for power.


When your natal Saturn resides in Aquarius the energy of self unknowing makes it difficult for you to develop the higher faculties of your mind and imprisons you in a pessimistic and overly conservative viewpoint. You are a humanitarian individual who is responsible and always loyal to his friends. Others experience you as an inventive and original person with strong powers of concentration but with this natal position you need to guard against becoming an emotionally cold and unloving person who fosters inner resentments.


When your natal Saturn resides in Pisces the energy of self unknowing will tend to enhance the feelings of uncertainty and vulnerability that you experience in your life. For this reason you need to develop a greater self confidence in your innate abilities so you can successfully weather life’s emotional storms.  You are a sensitive and sympathetic individual with a capacity for self sacrifice who values the intuitive and imaginative aspects of your personality. Others experience you as a compassionate individual who is given to psychic or spiritual pursuits, but with this natal position you need to guard against pessimism, moodiness and self defeating states of mind.


The House placement of Saturn is an astrological indication of that area of your human experience in which you will encounter the greatest “agnoia” – self unknowing, which brings restriction and limitation to the House in which it resides.

My Saturn resides in the _________________ House.

Saturn in the First House of the Self

This is the house of the Self. It expresses your self consciousness and general character. It is the house of personality development – the house where you become aware of and cultivate your unique consciousness as an individual. When your Saturn resides in this house you will experience the greatest  restrictions  and limitations  caused  by  self  unknowing  in  your efforts to develop and realize the potentials inherent within your personality.

Saturn in the Second House of Material Foundation

This is the house of money, finances and material possessions and relates to your earning capacity and your financial gains or loses – your material development and the material foundation of your life. When your Saturn resides in this house you will experience the greatest restrictions and limitations caused by self unknowing in your attempt to attain a secure material and financial foundation in life.

Saturn in the Third House of Mental Development

The Third House is the house of the mind and of mental development through the use of will; it represents the exploration and development of your intellectual faculties and their application to the real world. When your Saturn resides in this house you will experience the greatest restrictions and limitations caused by self unknowing in your quest for intellectual development and the advancement of your communication skills.

Saturn in the Fourth House of the Home

The Fourth House relates to the emotional environment of the home and to the family and domestic concerns. It is the emotional foundation your life. When your Saturn resides in this house you will experience the greatest restrictions and limitations caused by self unknowing within the sphere of the home and in the fulfillment of your emotional nature.

Saturn in the Fifth House of Procreation

The Fifth House encompasses pregnancy, love affairs, children and romance as well as creativity and pleasure. At its root lies the self-expressive impulse – the drive towards the individualization of your life. It is the house of active self-expression and self-development and reflects your quest for self fulfillment. When your Saturn resides in this house the greatest restrictions and limitations through self unknowing will be experienced in your attempts to multiply yourself through biological and creative procreation.

Saturn in the Sixth House of Work and Service

The Sixth House is the house of work and of your service to others. Its affairs  embrace  your  employment,  daily  routines  and working relationships. When your Saturn resides in this house the greatest restrictions and limitations through self unknowing will be experienced in the relationships and duties encountered in your working life as well as on those areas where you render compassionate service to others.

Saturn in the Seventh House of Relationships

The Seventh House encompasses the sphere of marriage and of the close personal relationships in your life. When your Saturn resides in this house the greatest restrictions and limitations through self unknowing will be experienced in the sphere of your intimate relationships in life.

Saturn in the Eighth House of Transformation

The Eighth House centers on the psychic and emotional sides of your life; sex, the beginning of death, passions, power and the undiscovered sides of your life. It is where the right brained person will encounter their left brained side and the left brained person will encounter their right brained side. When your Saturn resides in this house the greatest restrictions and limitations through self unknowing will be experienced in trying to becoming aware of and value your psychic experience.

Saturn in the Ninth House of Spirituality

The Ninth House is the house of spiritual development and of higher education and learning. It represents your spiritual evolution, experience of the Divine and the attainment of a higher level of consciousness. When your Saturn resides in this house the greatest restrictions and limitations through self unknowing will center on your attempts to expand your spiritual awareness.

Saturn in the Tenth House of Career

The Tenth House centers on your career, means of livelihood, professional success and achievements. When your Saturn resides in this house the greatest restrictions and limitations through self unknowing will center on the attainment of advancement and success in your career.

Saturn in the Eleventh House of Friends

The Eleventh House is the house of social relationships and friendships and of your hopes and dreams for the future. When your Saturn resides in this house the greatest restrictions and limitations through self unknowing will appear in your relationships with your friends and in your quest for a higher social status as well as in the pursuit of the fulfillment of your hopes and dreams.

Saturn in the Twelfth House of Self Knowledge

The Twelfth House is your house of self knowledge gained through the awareness of your inner world. When your Saturn resides in this house the greatest restrictions and limitations through self unknowing will   appear in your attempts to develop your creative intuition and integrate your dreams into your conscious life.