Modern Spiritual Astrology by Richard Palmer - HTML preview

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Astrology may in many respects be viewed as the spiritual genome of the human consciousness similar to the physical genome which has been coded from the information within the double helix of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) which lies at the root of the cellular structure and contains the information necessary for Nature to evolve a separate and unique organism in accordance with the chemical sequences encoded on its strands. The complex diversity of human consciousness as expressed in the art of Astrology is the result of many millennia of careful and dedicated study by the practitioners of this art. Within this vast matrix of information, the individual can discover and reveal aspects of their consciousness that remain dormant or unrecognized and thus advance their evolutionary development. As an example, the ancient Mayans developed their comprehensive astrology from the study of the personality and temperament of hundreds of thousands of persons born into their society and corresponding them to the time and season of the year as well as to the positions of the planets in the heavens on their day of birth. From this vast undertaking emerged an encyclopedic knowledge of the variations in human character and temperament which formed the basis of an astrological methodology which ordered their society and brought it in harmony with the astrological influences that influenced the life of the individual.

While not ignoring the relationship between the individual and the Universe, modern astrologers tend to focus on the psychological expression of the Planets and Signs within the various areas of human experience represented by the Houses. This viewpoint implements astrology as a tool for human development through which an individual can realize their highest human potential and fully actualize their inner creative abilities. Through the understanding of the “blueprint” of the Natal Chart as a map of the spiritual expression of consciousness within an individual life, a human being may proceed with greater confidence, ability and insight upon the journey that comprises their natural life. This is the aim and focus of Spiritual Astrology – to empower the human individual with the tools necessary to attain the highest level of self development possible within the context of their individual life and circumstances.

This approach to the application of astrology will form the context of this work with the Natal Chart as its principal center of expression. The erection of the chart will be discussed and illustrated so that any individual who is willing to invest  the necessary effort will be able to erect and interpret their own Natal chart. Every effort has been made to achieve both clarity and intelligibility in the presentation of this method of astrological interpretation. Numerous charts are used for illustrative purposes in every context where the goal of clear understanding will be served. Every concept is explained in sufficient detail to foster this authentic understanding and no prior knowledge of Natal Chart erection or astrological interpretation is presumed on the part of the reader.

The spiritual view is that all of creation and evolution occur within the Cosmic Consciousness in accordance with the Divine Plan. Spirit pervades all of the creation by extending itself invisibly into stars, planets, and living organisms. Evolution is the process by which Spirit creates opportunities for learning and spiritual growth that are graduated to various levels of evolutionary consciousness.

This work does not present Astrology as a solution to all the concerns of life but rather as an effective tool of living life in the most meaningful way possible. This work also employs an interactive design which allows you, the reader, ample space for notes and the ability to construct your personal astrological profile one step at a time, much like constructing a house from the foundation upwards to the roof. Through this work, may you come to know your Inner Lights and follow them as your guides.