My philosophical ideas by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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Today it is many people who use exercise to control weight, and it is true that the exercise by causing calorie consumption can serve as a control method, however, it is a mistake to believe that exercise should be the method essential to that end, it is at the root where you must attack the problem of overweight, that is not about spending a lot of energy in order to eliminate the calories before been ingested, but taking from the beginning of calories your body really needs, so who wants to lose weight should consider as a suitable method ingesting food calories alone would be spent gymnastics whether or not included. It is true that exercise is helpful in maintaining good health because the human body is somehow a machine made to work, but it is also true that they are wrong who think that exercise is essential for weight loss, in fact it can be considered even as some ecological act be for hours in a gym machine in order to lose calories because it is unnecessarily wasted energy. It would be much better not to have taken those calories initially which then need to be removed.

Therefore, the key is to tackle the problem from the beginning using a vegetable essentially low-calorie diet, which also fills easily. It is also advisable to eat only in the hours set for it, making a maximum of four meals a day and only drink water between meals, in addition to being good for the diet is also good for your teeth.

An ideal diet should not be cruel, therefore, is correct also eat what we like but can have more calories, but obviously to a lesser extent, because what matters is not what we eat, but eat only the calories our body needs. Instead, a too strict diet can cause anxiety and thus ruin the diet itself. For this reason it is good that the diet includes sweet and savory foods among other things, salt is good for enhancing physical strength and sugar is essential for the electrical impulses of the brain, the fruit juice is good for

vitamins and sugars but also for its acidifying because citric acid can help break down fats in our body. Ideal diet for a work should never be boring, but it is essential to eliminate animal fats and eat only at the set times for it, so it will be harder to feel hungry between meals.


Rarely in history has there been so much difference between appearances and reality as persecution by the Catholic Church against healers who used the knowledge acquired over thousands of years about the healing power of plants. Inquisition originally created to discover degenerating false Christians ended up being an instrument of persecution and extermination of anyone who dissented from the church simply postulates. Thus he began the persecution during the average age of these naturalists doctors who were healers, such was the envy that the church had them not hesitate to condemn them to death because they had committed the crime of offering society she could not, i.e. healing their diseases, such was his crime did not hesitate to chase to near complete extinction, many died and with them the knowledge of medicine on natural remedies accumulated over hundreds of generations and passed down from father to son were taken to the good of humanity, the church also pursuing another sinister purpose shamelessly seize the lands of those who had been accused of witchcraft. These events are proof that it is not the same religion religious organization, because the first is a philosophy and a way of thinking, and the second is a structure created to use religion as an instrument to gain power, by which they believe the right to say on a whim what the will of God, but solely for their own profit that is the sole purpose of serving satan. Eventually society understand that it is not the same as saying it is just to be fair, to say that God is represented to represent God, because there is no more appropriate place for evil to develop to the place where naively suppose not, i.e. religious organizations. Someday man will understand that you do not need intermediaries to tell you what the will of God and learn to seek truth itself. Persecution carried out mainly by the Catholic Church

during the Middle Ages against these naturalists medical deprived Europe of knowledge acquired by them for thousands of years, this situation was only possible treatment of medicine we might call chemistry, but this based medicine in laboratory experiments it was at a stage of embryonic development, so you could say that the West again not have some medical treatments similar quality loss until the mid-twentieth century. Only history will tell how many victims were both direct and indirect of this senseless persecution.


Throughout life most people go through at some point in the situation of being in love, such a situation can be an extraordinary experience if that feeling is reciprocated or be an ordeal if it is not to the point of reaching cause of suicide in some cases. But how many people have wondered what the processes occurring in our brain in such a situation? In my opinion it would be necessary to go back in time to the origins of the human species itself, a time to get anything was always difficult for this reason and in order to ensure the survival of the species, nature designed the so-called infatuation process.

Arguably, in the brain there is an automatic mechanism whereby when a person believes he is at his ideal partner and thinks that such a union is acceptable or possible then kicks in the process of falling in love, in this situation the person is trapped in a kind of psychological cage by which the brain disrupts the natural process of stimulation so that the person receives only such natural stimuli when their actions or thoughts are directed to carry out their union with the desired partner, so that anything that disrupts this desire results in suppression of these stimuli and causes great discomfort accordingly because in this situation only wants to get rid of the strong feeling of emptiness and see only solution to this being the desired person. What these people do not understand that this is only a brain mechanism designed by nature in order to facilitate the process of reproduction of the species and the loving person is able to overcome any obstacles get in their way to achieve their goal.

Does this mean that falling in love is bad? Not necessarily, because among other things the infatuation causes the desire to be with the desired person is so intense that the degree of conviction to be with her and be faithful is so strong that it is appropriate when it comes to performing a task common as important as creating a family and taking it forward. This means that the person in a state of infatuation is convinced with great decision to go all the way with your partner and when that feeling of infatuation disappears however is the memory of what he felt and what one was willing to take in case to be reciprocated. It's as if nature wants psych up us and make us take responsibility of the importance of the relationship you want to have. Perhaps the trouble with falling in love is that defects of the desired but only their virtues person can not see in that mental state and imagines that person is not as it is but as I would like it, however the process of infatuation is only active when the number of qualities that are appreciated in the desired person are high enough to make possible its inception therefore can not be considered completely wrong. It can be said then that the purpose of infatuation is on one hand overcome the obstacles that hinder the union of the couple, and the other to convince each other of what you are willing to give and receive, and thus the union is stronger and expectations for the future are greater if there is infatuation compared with situations where there is not, but we must also recognize failing in this situation things are better than they are, but nature does with a good purpose it is to strengthen the conviction of the spouses in the future of their relationship.

Can we then say that falling in love is a state induced by our own mind regardless of our will? The answer is no, because the infatuation only acts as a support mechanism when the person has already decided he wants the desired person.


Arguably, from a point of view metaphysical the solution to most problems is the middle path that is more moderate, but that does not mean you should consider why the extreme performances also have their raison d'ĂȘtre because when something leaves his place

of balance either by negligence or accident it is necessary to return to your site and get it may be the only solution is a forceful action to restore the situation to its rightful place. This does not mean they can not be exceptions to this law of universal balance, since accepting exceptions would also be a form of moderation, but would be out of this law those behaviors that being wrong would be objectionable completely and without exception, because only you have to understand as part of the dynamics of balance and moderation that which are in order with nature and is socially useful. An example of those things that would be objectionable completely would in my opinion the use of stimulant drugs such as snuff and alcohol, unfair or anti-social behavior, and anything else that would be quite reprehensible for being wrong in these cases would not have sense justify a moderate use of them by being clear their danger to society. From a symbolically the point of equilibrium would be represented in some cases by the number three and the green color is in the middle between the red color represents the energy and matter, and the blue color represents the spirit and philosophy, and the union of these two colors at its midpoint leads to life represented by the color green, because life emerges from the intermediate balance between red and blue. Also the number five represents this balance as it is at the midpoint between the number one and ten. In the universe many cases in which the need for an intermediate balance is observed for example if the temperature in the living areas, are given as the right would get the intermediate between very cold and very warm i.e. the ideal health, which could be between about fifteen or twenty degrees Celsius, but are countless cases where it can be seen as the best solution is the middle way for the different options.

Another example is the current political models, because the parties are inclined to represent only partial view defined as left or right, you try to convince citizens that the truth belongs to them alone and that all error is in the contrary. This is just a false representation of reality induced by unnecessary division matches between left and right that the current model causes, this division has nothing to do with the truth, because this is neutral and is divided equally between the different political forces. The ideal

political system would be one in which the power was not held by the parties but each and every one of the laws were decided separately by citizens form because the current method that divides ideas between left and right is no more a way to distract citizens while real democracy denied.

Clearly in the cosmos the solution in most situations is the middle way, but only when it comes to reasonable questions, for all the wrong behaviors would be objectionable and therefore would make no sense trying to justify looking at them exceptional use the theory concerning moderation and exceptional use it makes sense to apply only to those things that have meaning.


Sometimes, due to prolonged exposure of the body to a temperature below the required rheumatism called occur, I do not mean by this that this is the only possible cause but is probably one of the most frequent. Because of the low temperatures capillaries are compressed and then the bones receive a lower amount of blood supply to the necessary, then nature in its great wisdom triggers inflammation of the tissues surrounding the resulting bone rheumatic pains. That inflammation is intended to increase the diameter of the veins and capillaries and recover the amount of blood needed for proper maintenance of the body.

However at present and because of their ignorance of the nature doctors always tend to seek a solution to the health problems through the use of coercive chemicals to the human body is called inflammatory because if they dedicate themselves to understand the body would realize that often inflammatory processes which seek to facilitate blood flow and possible arrival of nutrients to the tissues, but with the use of anti-inflammatory that is produced is the opposite effect and result on one hand the problem that caused the inflammation is not solved and the other with these drugs can cause new health problems. Therefore the solution in these cases is to regulate the inflammation that is not excessive but avoid, that is the best treatment for these rheumatic inflammatory processes is combat cold caused the inflammatory reaction using more clothes, because once the He has recovered

body the nutrients it lacked inflammation cease on their own. In those cases where inflammation is caused by the thinning of the bones the solution would avoid overdo efforts and always perform moderate exercise.

Another example of inflammation is of infectious processes, in this case causing inflammation is the body's attempt to combat the spread of a virus by the inflammatory process, i.e. inflammation usually has two components, on the one hand increases section of the veins and capillaries and other body temperature is increased thereby increasing the flow of blood and thereby facilitating the arrival of the antibody to the infected area. It is true that sometimes








counterproductive but when it comes to a slight excess is preferable to let nature take its way and facilitate the arrival of more blood and therefore more antibodies to the infected area, so both the use of anti-inflammatories can be considered correct only when the fever or inflammation is exaggerated, but not before is because what would camouflage the disease but can not cure.


It is regrettable to see today so many people paraded through the medical clinics seeking the miracle formula to cure their ailments, they are not able to understand that diseases have an intimate relationship of cause and effect with the actions that everyone does throughout of their life. Man has to understand that much of the things that happen are we responsible for our own actions and therefore can be corrected in the same way, because most diseases are the result of lifestyle habits detrimental to health and it is therefore in those habits of wrong where you have to act conduct, however even despite the large current technological development physicians continue to have too easily to prescribe chemicals with which to conceal ailments whose solution would have been easy, it would have to the patient listen a little closer to your body and leave those bad habits that hurt him, but instead doctors simply prescribe chemicals that not only do not solve the problem but create new diseases, it is absurd to believe that you can solve a disease without removing the cause that produces it. The man of

the future will understand that many of the things that happen in your life do not just happen, understand that he can and should be creative part of their own future and consequently must also assume their own responsibility for their own actions and so in diseases that could suffer. It is true that we can not determine all the events that happen in our lives, but most of them do, especially those affecting our private lives, therefore you need to understand that we all have a certain creativity within us that we can shape our environment and adapt it to our preferences. It is true that there are diseases whose cure depend exclusively on health care, but it is also true that the vast majority of ailments and diseases do not require chemistry-based solutions and have easy solution to understand that these ailments are the consequences of wrong actions and therefore it is in correcting those acts where healing is. Today one of the main causes of disease in developed countries is the excessive intake of calories, which is reaching a level almost epidemic, however, patients stubbornly refuse to understand that we need a profound change in their lifestyle favoring more moderate exercise and a mainly plant food. These patients come to doctors looking for the miracle formula to remove them disease but without giving up the causes that produce them, this is an example of genuine intellectual clumsiness, but also of medical malpractice, because in many cases doctors are limited to dispatching medication without telling their patients that is not the solution. Only time will tell how many victims have caused some medical practices that extol the value of the drugs but forgetting the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

To achieve a healthy and perfect body is first necessary to strictly control the daily intake of calories, it is convenient to divide the day up to four meals when it comes to adults and take only water between them, because once we have used to be much more difficult to feel hungry between meals. Many animals eating time because their food lacks enough calories spend, but it is absurd that human beings do the same having much more nutritious foods. They fail to understand that the food entertains but many other things as well. Furthermore, the fact of having free time between meals offers us the ability to perform higher-value tasks.

Because the truth is that those who spend too much time eating not only causes atrophy of his body but of his brain.

People forget that youth does not last forever, do not understand that being young our metabolism overcomes many of the outrages us to comment, but upon reaching half of life the ability to regenerate body ends and from there when we begin to suffer the consequences of a youth full of vices and excesses, it is as if nature be levied compensation for misuse we have given the body that gave us.


It is paradoxical to see how today there are many voices calling for tougher penalties for use or trafficking of drugs or at least maintain existing ones, and it is paradoxical that the very ones who cry out against counter drugs are simultaneously calls guzzlers legal drugs, alcohol and snuff, and even more paradoxical that these same individuals who oppose furiously when someone proposes the same restrictions on legal drugs than for others. Could it be that they think they are consuming other drugs but what they do not consume? That is an exercise of supreme hypocrisy, because legal drugs cause more deaths each year than all the others put together. Not to mention the legal advantages in many countries are granted for criminals commit their crimes while intoxicated. I think it is not in the legal field where you should fight trafficking or drug use but in the moral field, because the fact that it can be right to allow free consumption and sale of drugs as happens with alcohol and snuff not it means it is correct from a moral point of view. Drugs are objectionable for its high toxicity for their ability to disrupt the mind and lose the reason in addition to causing a false stimulus, but it is through social awareness and rejection of the state to grant extenuating as to combat and not by police chase. This way to combat drug already demonstrated their failure during Prohibition in the United States in the early twentieth century, and governments today are spending millions in police chase with the same useless results, do not realize that those who maintain that business running are the same consumers who refuse to accept

anyone tell you by force what they should eat and what not, is by respecting their free will and trying to convince with reason and not with violence how citizens finally understand the foolishness of drug use and that is when the fight can be won.


Arguably, from a biological point of view there are two seasons alone, the summer season and winter season since the biological system of our body is to these two stations that adapts and is in the remaining two seasons spring and autumn in which it does, so they say that spring the blood alters, just then between May and June metabolism has to change and adapt to circumstances summer, then it is often fever, irritability occurs, pains in different parts of the body and insomnia, the cause of this is in my opinion the fact that the heat favors the increase of virus activity in our body, which causes the immune system is forced to provide a greater number of antibodies into the bloodstream. During winter viruses are generally more lethargic from the cold since low temperatures are a natural disinfectant means also helps to fight fevers, but in the spring it changes, increased temperatures favors a greater viral growth in the air and in our body, then the immune system is overset sudden and hasty struggle between this and viruses with known symptoms that will end with the victory of our metabolism occurs once antivirals media have increased and adapted to the new situation. So while symptoms are mild it is preferable not to use drugs to give our bodies the possibility to seek their adaptation. In the fall reverse this situation occurs because the drop in temperature produces a relaxing effect thereby increasing the feeling of sleep. Actually viruses have been created by nature in order to decompose dead organic matter into its elementary molecules, however when accidentally introduced into a living body called infections occur and that is when the immune system comes into action to restore the status quo.

However when it comes from an unknown virus can cause known epidemics, this happens because the immune system known natural for healing remedy, but most times throughout history, has been the human being himself the responsible for epidemics and

not viruses because their inability to control their own population growth, led to often, the number of inhabitants was greater than necessary to keep food, causing a weakening of the immune system, and this perfect for the spread of disease, means therefore, in this case, the virus met the uncomfortable task of causing a correction in the number of inhabitants, the man himself was not able to do. Given this situation it was easier to blame God.


Today it is common that in the course of our lives, even during the time that lasts a week, is frequently changing schedules dedicated to sleep, but it is important to note that living life with stability is very important to have a good Health. In fact, ideally the hours that you sleep were the same and the same hours on weekdays and holidays, i.e. the same schedule would remain about bedtime and duration matter in question or a free holiday.

The human body has an internal memory that tries to adapt to the ways we mark him, but the more stable the hours of wakefulness and sleep most favored is our health, therefore the widespread custom to rise early in an extreme form the working days and then staying up late just as the holidays only causes us chaos in the internal order of our body. It is also important to say that the recommended hours of sleep in an adult range between seven and eight hours a day, not being advisable to reduce this amount by the damage this may cause to our brain, and that this amount of hours needed to the process of rest and internal recycling. Ideally, try as far as possible always sleep this many hours every day regardless of whether it is business or holiday and try the schedule chosen this differ as little as possible from a few days to others. In the future surely, laws try to guide companies towards the use of working time arrangements that best fit an ideal schedule, so that it is used whether it is working day or not. An ideal schedule could for example be up at seven o'clock and go to bed at eleven o'clock in the evening or also get up at eight and go to bed at midnight. This schedule would always be used regardless of day it is, thus not being necessary to change the schedule for work quality of life would be much better. The ideal

schedule would use as reference the approximate time that day dawns spring solstice in order to take advantage of the best possible light, and would be used continuously throughout the year. That is, that the best time to get up would be the average between the time that dawns the shortest day and the longest dawn. Also I consider hours sleep better at once and at night to perform naps, sleep day because I find little to ecological waste sunlight. In addition, our body only needs seven to eight hours each day as to divide needed, so the nap only make sense for children would also be good to divide the day into three equal parts, one for work, one for leisure, and one for sleeping, because free time is not only necessary on holidays, weekdays must also have their share. Another custom that I consider wrong is to intersperse holidays between weekdays, since alternations between work and rest should follow a steady pace for the benefit of our health, and such interference all they do is disrupt the rhythm of work causing loss of concentration, it would not be to reduce days off but group them. So the ideal week would consist of five working days with shifts of eight hours, or even six working days with shifts of six hours. If for some reason were needed more days off these would be achieved by taking free all week, i.e. the number of suitable free days each week would be about twenty percent of the total and 15 to 30 vacation days a year. Therefore the festive activities should always be made within days off set for it.


Arguably, from an energy point of view success would be located in the high but unstable level, and failure at the lowest but stable energy level, since the success is often fifty percent own successes but other fifty percent to the favorable chance. That is that success does not depend only on what we do consciously and our own merits, but also depends on those things we do not know but who happened to favor us. See but the history of Rome, was great in many ways by their successes in making political decisions, but nevertheless when bigger was expanding and the more difficult it seemed he could fall however his empire

disappeared, this proves that the ability we have to understand the world around us is only partial and that great world we still have to understand we can play tricks especially when someone thinks that success belongs individually. Another big failure usually happens when successful, is the fact guard down and underestimate the risks, thinking that the fall is impossible and that is something to others, this often leads to mistakes and that is when it is understood that success is not something that depends only on our successes, because things that affect us and we do not understand are more than we think, so we have to rejoice success but without losing humility that makes us wise.


Too often we hear news about how they could cultivate more land to feed more and more millions of people, but someone has stopped a moment to think that one of the main problems of this planet is the excessive expansion of the human population.

Throughout history excess population (i.e. when the population exceeds food resources to sustain) were resolved by nature in the form of epidemics caused by the virulence of disease applied to a population weakened by hunger and when this occurred citizens rushed to accuse God of his misfortunes, but how many people recognized the origin of the epidemic in their lack of self-control in human reproduction methods? Today it is very common to hear that if certain forests are cleared or if economic or farming methods are changed may keep more people but And who remembers the rights of animals and plants is that they do not have right to life? Every day for continuous human expansion species disappear, but few remember their right to have a recognized territory, it is true that a person's life is worth more than an animal, but it is also true that the survival of a species worth more than a human life. Nor is seriously ask developed countries remain underdeveloped because it is right that all people be able to feed themselves without having to rely on anyone. It is therefore inevitable that the world's sooner or later take the decision to implement birth control policies that determine a fixed

number of inhabitants for each country and each continent in terms of resources that are able to produce themselves.