Natural Acne Solution: How to Break Free from Acne and Reclaim Your Life by Seppo Puusa - HTML preview

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Introduction ........................................................................... 5
What causes acne?.................................................................. 8
Gut flora ............................................................................. 9
Digestion and acne ............................................................... 9
Undigested food creates an imbalance in gut flora................ 10
Toxins leak out from colon ................................................ 11
You body has to protect itself ............................................ 11
Toxins and acne .............................................................. 12
What causes indigestion ...................................................... 13
Food Combining .............................................................. 14
Other reasons for indigestion ............................................ 17
Chemical & heavy metal poisoning........................................ 19
Acid/alkaline balance and acne............................................. 19
Maintaining the correct balance ......................................... 19
How diet affects the acid/alkaline balance ........................... 20
Curing Acne ......................................................................... 22
Different approaches to detoxing .......................................... 23
Fasting ............................................................................. 24
How fasting helps with acne .............................................. 24
How fasting helps you to keep acne away ........................... 25
Fasting may reverse the aging process and prolong your life.. 27
Colon cleanse .................................................................... 28
Enemas.......................................................................... 29
Herbal based colon cleanses.............................................. 30
Cleansing supplements ....................................................... 30
Diet based detoxes ............................................................. 34
What should you do? .......................................................... 34
My recommendations.......................................................... 35
Remaining acne free.............................................................. 37
Diet for clear skin............................................................... 37
Combine your meals properly............................................ 37
Use fresh & organic ingredients ......................................... 38
Go raw........................................................................... 38
Eat moderately ............................................................... 39
Respect your body's daily detox routines ............................ 39
More healthy fats, less carbohydrates................................. 40
Foods that are skin sinners ............................................... 40
Tips for changing your diet ............................................... 41
Diet resources................................................................. 42
How healthy gut flora prevents acne ..................................... 43
Supplements for acne-free living .......................................... 44
The next steps...................................................................... 47


The statements found within the pages of this book have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If a products or treatment is recommended in these pages, it is not indented to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is meant to be used to educate the reader and is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. Medical advice must only be obtained from a qualified health practitioner.

All information contained in this book is received from sources believed to be accurate, but no guarantee, express or implied, can be made. Readers are encouraged to verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, the accuracy of all information, recommendations, conclusions, comments, opinions or anything else contained within these pages before making any kind of decisions based upon what they have read herein.

Copyright © 2006 Seppo Puusa

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Here’s what you can do to help your friends that are suffering from acne

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Don’t know how to detox? Want more information on diet and food? Have questions about fasting? How to make sure your detox suits your lifestyle – not the other way around. Register to my FREE support program to get answers, tips and hints. In fact I’m sending some of my best material exclusively to my support program participants. To make sure you don’t miss it, register at

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