OMG, I Can't AP by Ion Light - HTML preview

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Chapter 7 Turn off the Tech

This should be a no brainer. If you sleep by your cell phone, even if it’s on silent, you are subject to distractions. If you go to sleep every night, staying up for an hour or so with your cell phone directly in front of your eyes, you are messing with your brain’s natural programming. We

operate best when our schedules are consistent, and we sleep best when we have darkness. I am

not the only one telling people to use tech less. Read “Bored and Brilliant: How Spacing Out Can Unlock Your Most Productive and Creative Self” by Manoush Zomorodi.

We have are all more connected than in any time in history, and yet, loneliness and

depression is epidemic. We are on are phones while sitting with friends. If you’re having trouble AP, consider you may be using too much tech and brain is frazzled with the amount of

information it’s sorting. Seriously, turn it off, go outside, and stare at the moon. Turn off the lights and put out some candles. If you’re going to do spiritual practices, which I consider AP, why not make it sacred. It doesn’t have to be sacred or spiritual, it could just be a thing you do, but if you treat it like everything else you do in your life, expecting immediate results, well, maybe that is why you’re not experiencing success in this area. Doing AP is not like any activity you have ever done. This is not a left brain thing you can sort files and follow the steps and be there. This is a right brain thing, and you got to come at it mysteriously, imperfectly, quietly.

You have to sneak up on it.

What’s the longest you have gone without touching your phone? Can you leave the house

without it? Can you go a whole day without it? How can you expect to AP if you can’t let go of

the leash that is keeping you tied to the Earth. Not telling you what to do, just making a point. If you want something different in your life, sometimes, you got to do something different. Further, 65


if you assume that there is a biological component, how can you expect to ‘unplug,’ from the

biological aspect if you never ‘unplug.’ I’m not against tech. I love tech. But consider, you are not your brain, but your brain, like a pet, is not used to you tuning out, and so when you start doing this for the first time, it gets concerned, and calls use back. It’s use to candy and

instantaneous results.

If we use daydreaming as an actual practice of AP, call it AP lite, how can you engage in

it when you spent your entire life learning not to engage in it? Seriously, you have been trained not to do this. All those times you were slapped on the knuckles by a teacher with a ruler saying,

‘stay focused!’ was a lesson to stay in the physical. You were focused, just not on the here and now. Daydreaming is a skillset which we are taught by family and schools systems not to engage

in, and not because there is a conspiracy. It feels like one. Maybe there is one, as if you consider, if this is a valid pathway, which Einstein, Tesla, and Jung endorsed and practiced, and it made truths available to you that were previously ‘secrets’ why would the establishment want you

doing this? Our present paradigm is run on secrets. If you had access to information that is

supposed to be secret, you would not play their game or buy your products. If you knew the real cost of things, you wouldn’t buy them. If you knew how many children in slave labor type set

ups were making your products you wouldn’t buy them.

Tuning out of the present is also difficult because we tend to revisit the past or worry

about the future. Part of this is us, we’re worried we are missing out, hence why we are

compelled to continuously check in on facebook and our emails and our phones for texts, even

though most the time no one probably texted us. Part of this is just the paradigm we are engaged in where most of our brain power is used for compare and contrast equations to engage in the

game of competition. If you look at our games, almost everyone is designed to show how one is



better or different than the rest, not how we might work together. Even TV shows like survivor

put people against people, not rewarding working together for survival. Monopoly is the best

example of this. There is only one conclusion of monopoly: eventually, there can be only one.

There is no reward team efforts, and it doesn’t matter if it is the ruthlessness of the player or just blind luck. One by one, people leave the board until there is one left standing.

When Yoda admonished Luke by saying, “This one a long time have I watched. All his

life has he looked away, to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was, hmm?

What he was doing. Hmm. Adventure. Heh. Excitement. Heh. A Jedi craves not these things."

This was not telling Luke or you that you have to stay focused on your immediate body and

environment. Yoda couldn’t have been watching Luke Skywalker ‘for a long time,’ if he was

focused on himself on Dagoba. Luke felt like he was wasting his life, and if you feel like

daydreaming is a waste of life, if meditation is a waste of life, you probably won’t AP. If you have to engage your tech and you’re thinking about your next ‘fix,’ you probably won’t AP. And

I do mean ‘fix.’ Every single AP on your phone is designed to exploit how your brain works. Not you, your brain. Your brain is like a puppy and you have trained it to jump through hoops and

look for what you have told it to look for. The first time you sit down to ‘meditate,’ the brain starts running and jumping around the room. “Oh, it’s too cold, turn the air off.” “OH, what was that noise? Come and look over here.” “Oh, did you leave the stove on.” “Oh, the door isn’t

locked.” The window is opened. You were expecting that text… And you don’t train the brain by

trying to ignore it, you got to gently call it back to task. Call the puppy back to your lap and tell it, we’re sitting still, we’re being quiet. Don’t smack the puppy with a newspaper! Seriously.

Anger keeps you locked into you. Your brain isn’t you, but again, it’s like pet, or a child, and you got to come at with some compassion. Can you get it to where you want by being strict and



mean, sure. But do you seriously want to go that route? If you were wanting more kindness and

love in your life, but all you show your brain is the strict teacher with a ruler, popping it on the nose whenever it failed to comply with your agenda, then you’re locked in a dysfunctional

relationship with yourself. And if you don’t trust your brain or your body to run on autopilot for even a moment, why would you go off and leave it?

Which, also returns us to fear, if you are afraid if you do leave you’;re afraid it will be

possessed, well, why would you leave? Your brain may be a child, but knows better to open the

door and let a stranger in when you’re away. Just an analogy, not reality. Your body is your

property, and no one can coerce you to give it up, or take it over by control, and any threat to the body instantly brings you back. The neighbor accidentally set his house fire, your house is now threatened, you will be drawn back. Your brain has you on speed dial, trust it has you so you can focus on other things. It’s why it’s there. It’s why your subconscious is there. Rememebr when

you were first driving, how much focus and effort it took to drive a car, and then one day, you hopped in, drove from point a to point b singing and talking on the phone and changing out CD’s and you arrived and you were like, “I don’t remember my trip.” It’s because you mastered

driving and you were on autopilot. We learn to do things so we can do other things. Had a truck suddenly stopped in front of you, you would have been instantly focused, and you would have

remembered everything from that point forwards. You have to learn to let go, and you have to

learn to let go in a particular way.

AP is easy, but it’s not like anything you have done before, and it’s not like training for a

marathon. That’s a body activity. This is not a brain activity, but brain is involved. Your body is involved, and you are working in tandem with it. If you take some time to learn the protocols for remote viewing, which is not AP, but call it AP lite, just for the sake of analogy, you will see that 68


the first few months, yes months, are just rehearsing the symbolic short cut representations so when your guide asks you, ‘what’s your first impression target 22b,’ you hand draws a symbol

you been practicing without you having to consciously think about it. They never give the remote viewer ‘How’s the weather in Paris?” because, the brain will start inventing stuff. You can use that analogy for AP. If your goal is to get out of your body, and you are focused on your

perceived idea of what the experience will be like, you are in brain-fiction mode, not

experiencing mode.

I am okay for the initiate to experience daydream mode, or brain fiction mode in the

beginning. I actually encourage you to daydream. Practice day dreaming until you get so good at day dreaming that you can engage a daydream anytime of the day. Get so good at it you get

bored, and you stop controlling the dream, and allow yourself to be startled by the fact your

subconscious can run it and you suddenly hear something that you didn’t script. Once you get

over that shock, because it will feel realer than real, maybe even creep you out, you’re moving forwards towards your first AP. If you keep practicing that, you will return and not be able to distinguish between daydream and really going somewhere. At that level, I argue you went

somewhere. Welcome to Wonderland, Alice.



From the Author,

This is a very quick, light book. There are probably more reasons to explore than what I have

covered, but I think I have hit the points that I see the most often in the groups I follow. If you have thoughts or ideas, you are invited to share.

If you get nothing out of this book, I want to encourage you to read as much as you can on the

subject. If you can afford the books, used book stores are the way to go, but don’t be afraid of the library. Get the knowledge in your head. Once there, reading other stuff just accentuates the

knowledge, and then, the more you practice some of the techniques you learn, the more you

build those pathways. Eventually, the cars will move between stations and you will experience

results. Don’t give up.




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