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Original Creator: Intelligent Energyism




Alexander Zielinski










Copyright 2019



About the Author


Alexander Zielinski is a Clairvoyant Medium who Channels ‘CONSTANTINE’ (a higher evolved Energy Being) and ‘ELOPHYNY’ (a Collective of Light Beings from another Star dimension). He is also a Reiki Master who utilizes ‘Energy’ Healing.

Alexander and his guides are providing the following information, with the hope and desire, that the knowledge provided will assist those in the human form to grow and evolve spiritually; to truly come to understand their connection to each other as they seek truth and peaceful awareness of who they are, where they come from and what they seek to accomplish in their life through service to humanity.

*Alexander, for those who wish to do so, can be contacted at (ahighervibration.net).








Energy Beings from our Home Dimension incarnate into the created lower Physical Dimension known to humans as the Universe. Within this universe (created physical matter) is located the planet Earth, which is just one of many inhabited planets therein.

In order for the majority of Energy Beings to come and experience this created hologram, they must be cloaked in a physical body in order to dwell within the confines of this illusionistic world.

In order for these ‘simulated’ lifetimes to seem real and genuine, the Energy Being’s collective memory is temporarily suspended while they play out their chosen life events in the human form.

These lifetimes help the Energy Being to advance and grow spiritually for its own personal development and that of the Original Source, Intelligent Energyism, that created the Energy Beings.

The following information is derived from higher evolved energy beings and collectives who have provided such information in order to assist those in the human system to move forward on their journey of spiritual progression.




















Original Creator

Angels & Archangels

Visitation by Original Creator

Many Lessor Creators

Beings of Pure Energy

Prior Knowledge & Recall

Conception of New Beings

Emotions of Energy Beings

Forced to Incarnate?

Retain our Uniqueness?


Energy Companions

Why Incarnate to Earth?

Why Create the Human Species?


Purpose of the Human Universe

How was the Earth first Populated?

History of Planet Earth

Etheric Energy Double

Indigo & Star Children

Perception of the Afterlife













Original Creator



The Original Creator of all things in all forms and in all specific and general definitions is all that is and has been. Growth is achieved when those things created by the original entity achieve growth. The life force from which all that exists flows – that is the Original Creator.

There are many definitions in human religious texts that touch on this information. Many are similar within their religious texts, there are similar definitions across religions that refer to the same person or same type of entity. These definitions often refer to the same supreme high being.

The Original Creator is that which brings into existence all forms of every emotion, each action, and each entity. There are physical and biological processes that take place to sprout new life, but these are also the formation of order as defined by the Original Creator.

As we are all, all living things, we are all made in his image as many religious texts would state, we are also able to create. We often do not create on the grandest of scales on relation to that which has created all that exists, but there is a similarity, and a likeness that allows us to act as a scale version of that which we have come from.

The perfect definition of the Original Creator would be simply, to hold a mirror to one’s self. This is the same makings of the creator. There is no physical form but in your true form you are the creator. You manifest and you create, you bring into being, you take action. You radiate all things, and from your perspective, notwithstanding the judgment of others; you create that which you view to be the best possible manifestation for the present situation.

You create and experience all that there is to know and all that will ever be done. You are a peaceful creator, but also exhibit forces that may appear as destructive forces. There is balance; this is the goal, to achieve the balance that the original creator has instilled in all things.

The nature of this planet is balance. Your understanding of energy and how it will not disappear, it only changes forms. This is true; this is true of all things. There are no good or evil, only various forms in which emotion, energy, thought, and actions manifest.

An action or thought on its own is not judged as good or evil, it is only the perception of man when that action is compared to others is there a measuring rod. There is no harsh or cruel being to scold you or punish you, there are energy beings that are higher in development that will help you along your path both in this dimension and once you cross over and return to your true home dimension, there are no beings to deliver punishment or guilt when you are in your true form, that of an Energy Being.

There are others who exist in an alternate form, such as the human body, for purposes of learning, but not all are necessary because of their spiritual evolution or understanding of universal law and all experiences within it.

Patience and understanding are of the original creator, but so are all things that would be seen to the contrary of these things. It is important to see that there is no being that opposes the original creator, there are no groups of beings who are responsible for acts that you, human beings, declare as evil. There are no beings set aside simply for the purpose of creating evil thoughts or acts.

All things, all things, all things are the result of the original creator. All things that you humans create are the result of the original creator or are assembled in such a way that all humans experience and benefit.

You are not alone in your thinking. There are times when a person may find themselves asking the question of who god is, when there is no reality greater than knowing that there is a creator within your physical body.

You may wonder this for the reason of experiencing two lifetimes, as it were, that of the physical human existence over and over again learning lessons through reincarnation, and that of the energy being, that of your true self in your true home world.

It is a matter of learning. There is only energy, that which is universal in the energy dimension, your true home. You will grow beyond this earth realm of your current physical existence and that of your energy home that you will return to upon your death in the physical realm.

All will progress and move beyond the current realm. There is much growth that is achieved by all through the experiences of all. The original creator built this and allows you to grow and create and, in this manner, both creators create and grow and learn from the actions of the other. All things, all ideas and actions, beliefs and thoughts are assimilated. Each will become the knowledge of the other.

It is not for our knowing to understand all things prior to the time of acceptance and readiness but there is a great present just as there is a great past for each individual who has experienced many lifetimes in a physical existence.

Earth is only a training ground. Many interact here. You can exist in it in many life forms. Higher beings or those which are evolutionarily more advanced are not part of your energy chain or grouping but are simply that of another type of evolution.

There were, in the beginning, only one source or type of life, throughout the ages there have been many splits or fracturing of existence and therefore many have evolved in different ways from those who were originally directly part of their life group. This is why there are so many types, this is why there are those who have mastered the path of non-violence, this is why there are those who are able to travel great distances across the heavens.

Do not accept the ideas that you are less evolved in every sense simply because you are on this planet. There are many things that these other energy beings, those you perceive to be higher evolved, there are many things that they wish to understand that you currently have thorough knowledge and understanding of, which they do not.

It is important to know that they too are creators and you will learn in mutually beneficial relationships. They are not different. There is no difference, all are from the same source, the Original Creator, the first cause.














Angels & Archangels



There are many divisions or castes of energy beings though the names simply give recognition to the type of work they do. Some have specific goals and specific areas in which they work.

There are so called Angels and Archangels which are higher beings returned to this human dimension to help, others can travel between spheres and provide service. There are many you can call on though many will not come because of name, simply because of the assistance or guidance needed.

There is a special type of energy being that is called an Angel, Archangel, and this is a specific function for them. They do not guide in the same way as most other energy guides or workers do, they have ascended much higher, they may be compared to the religious view of gods simply because of their ability to intervene and offer assistance and ability to aid many at once.



Visitation by Original Creator



There are many times that the Original Creator, will come to you directly to check on his creations. You are of him, you will be with him. There are many times that it is around you and you can sense it.

We are all connected, and the Original Creator is the common thread. You need to be aware that we are all the same being, from the same source, all striving to get back to where we were created from. When one grows, all grow. There are no limits, only time and trials to raise yourself and return.

There aren’t things that can stop you, only things to learn from on your path. No brick walls that can’t be surmounted, your view may only be from your perspective and many things can seem mountainous from one person’s viewpoint. Be prepared for hard work.


Many Lesser Creators



Each area of planetary living has been located in such an area that each domain is watched over, tended to, and life and energy brought forth into it by a Creator for that specific realm of existence. This is not to say that there cannot be more than one entity infusing power and direction into the life and dimension of existence, but there is only one single being that is responsible for its ultimate direction no matter what other entities or life forms may inhabit it or cross from other dimensions to assist with that dimension’s existence.

There is only one Original Creator that observes these lessor creators and can assist them. This is much the same way that many groups of people delegate power to accomplish a common good. No one person on your plane can watch a massive area or oversee the production of a very complex event or complex item, this is the same for existence as you know it.

There are many energy beings assigned to watch over your area, there is only one to direct and become responsible for its driving purpose, its mission, but then there is the Original Creator which is then responsible for all life and all dimensions.


















Beings of Pure Energy


Energy Beings are simply energy creations, as the Original Creator is infinite energy. This energy is basically that part of the original source which connects all living things to each other, and therefore connects us all to the Original Creator.

The Original Creator formed Energy Beings in his own image. Creation has no ending, it is infinite, and ever expanding.

As an Energy Being, we have the ability to create which was given to us by the Original Creator, so we grow and experience the knowledge and truth of the Original Creator, and then add to his creations.

Then in turn, the Original Creator experiences through us, the positive and negative aspects of our creations which is a never-ending cycle of life.

As Energy Beings, we are experiencing and gathering information not only for the Original Creator, but for our individual advancement. No matter whether we are in the human form or back in our true home dimension, we are always seeking to grow more like the Original Creator in our own right.

Remember your true form is that of pure energy, all things are energy; you will always maintain your individuality as long as you desire to do so. Just know that as an Energy Being you are part of a larger grouping of Energy Beings. That is the connection we all have to the original source.

As you combine your energy to this larger group, the Original Creators energy expands and continues to grow. Worry not about joining your energy with other energy beings, for you still retain your individual identity, for we are all a part of that infinite energy of our loving Original Creator.







Prior Knowledge & Recall



When an Energy Being incarnates into a human body, who he truly is and all the other lifetimes he has experienced are temporarily suspended, so as not to cause difficulties with the current lifetime being lived on planet earth.

The amount of knowledge contained within your true energy self is not able to be put into calculable numbers. There is even greater levels and measurable amounts of information available to you and it resides outside of you but your connection to it is always in place as you wish to use it.

You will not realize the true nature of things for this specific lifetime when you are constantly concerned with actions and events of previous lifetimes. There will be some who have greater recollection of what has transpired for them or what will take place but often this will need to be provided to you by a non-physical being.

This is done so that you are focused on this lifetime and not concerned with what may or may not have happened several centuries ago. There are many things that you will or will not do in this lifetime based on previous lifetimes but the manner in which you drank milk in a previous lifetime or your interactions on a daily basis are not important.

Many times, there is greater knowledge available within you regarding this lifetime and regarding previous lifetimes but like any unused or ignored aspect of being it will slowly reside in small and smaller quantities, that is, it is not at the front of your mind where you are consistently retrieving and accessing it, so it becomes less dominant in your mind.

Often dreams are snippets of previous information. While dreams can also be actual events, travel and communication in other dimensions while you are sleeping, they are also events that you see only with your mind, they can also be the creation of your mind.

There is no singular aspect of a dream or its nature, but they can all be discerned if you begin to recollect them and use them and exercise your mind so that they are seen as important, not something of fanciful whimsy which you'll have no interest in after 45 minutes of being awake and beginning to engage in your daily activities.

What is important is that you understand that there is nothing hidden from you. All is available to you. Understand that there may be sensitivities regarding specific incidents or events, but you are not shielded because we do not wish for you to know.

There is much that beings will convince themselves of, much that they believe is important to them and is the make it or break it answer for them in this lifetime or any lifetime. With many questions and answers, simply wait a few days, even waiting several hours, your answer will come to you or you will see how insignificant your conundrum really is once you are beyond the heat of the moment.

Not that any one thing is insignificant, but when you quiet your mind you will see the answers around you or in your mind. You are all precious beings living precious moments, it is not to be worried over that you were a slave, a garbage collector in this lifetime or in any other.

No matter if you were murdered, if you murdered another, or if you saved several children from drowning, all events are equally important, you are no better or worse because you spent your life sailing, spent your life in a cave, or spent your life lost. All things are for your benefit and therefore the benefit of all in existence.

You can access anything you wish, if it cannot be displayed to you or explained to you it will be stated so, the reasoning often given. You must also understand that if certain events are explained to you which must take place for some other purpose, some greater purpose, a purpose which may impact several people, you may not be shown something which could alter a path towards this event, but this is not always true.

You will always have the freedom to choose, you will live on a time line of your choosing no matter what anyone believes they have for you. The exception to this statement is any prescribed events or situations or lessons, or emotions which you wanted to experience as part of your existence.

It is not the Original Creator placing these events on you, it is your own doing by free will or by your choice prior to entry here. When you say, “he doesn't give you anything more than you can handle,” this is true if you are a male, it is true if you are a female and say, “she doesn't give you anything more than you can handle.” Why is this true? Because you created these events, you are the creator, in the moment or prior to physical birth, you have created what has been presented to you.

You are capable of all things and are involved in what you are capable of experiencing. It is the trust you need in yourself, this is what is most often missing. The confidence, not to say that you are supreme, but to understand that you are worthy, you are capable, you do not need to place responsibility in the hands of another being, physical or non-physical.

You do not need to reside yourself to inaction because you believe some other being will unfold the events in your favor. You are the ruler. You are the controller. You are the designer. Have faith in yourself above all things and above all others.








Conception of New Beings


Where do new beings come from? New beings in your dimension are already in existence. They are simply being brought into a physical existence for the purpose of experiencing the life they have been interested in living and the goals and experiences they have chosen.

It is not a matter of simply two humans in the physical world having sex and bringing into life a new being. There is a great deal of work and effort and discussion that takes place before the energy being is assigned to the particular human body.

This can happen an eternity prior to the couple ever meeting, this can happen during the time the mother is carrying the child. There is a great deal of energy and involvement when it is being determined what energy being, or which energy being shall provide the life force for the physical body being created.

There are new experiences always being created and new expectations for living beings in all forms. This is the reason for constant creation. There is no creation simply to have creation, no creation simply for creation’s sake. There is a method to what you might call madness or a method to the actions though it may not be readily available at all times. The necessary actions will take place, at times there are non-physical actions that follow physical actions, and there are physical actions and outcomes that follow non-physical actions.

What we are saying, is that so there are times that, for example, in the bringing of an energy being into the earth plane, the physical act of sex will bring about an available body to be inhabited and therefore the process of obtaining life force to inhabit it is undergone, and in other circumstances there is a life force that needs to inhabit a body so that physical production of a new physical human being is conducted.

How is the non-physical being formed? From what source? There is a universal presence, a commonality in all of you, this is because you are all from the same source. You may decide to return to it at some point in your existence as your true energy self, or you may not. It is not for anyone to decide but your own mind, your true mind.

There is not a great being that determines when a new spirit shall be made. There is only the Original Creator that springs forth a portion, an abstract of itself, so that new life can begin. There is a great deal of this that you will not understand but it is important that you open yourself to it. The reasons that you are not alone, the reason that you are all connected is because your true energy forms all emanate and radiate your true source. You are all part of the same Original Creator, you are all part of that same energy.

The Bible explains that you are all part of the same creator, and essentially, the essence of this story is true and accurate. You are all formed from a single source, a single creator. You are not from an individual who decides that you must experience life, you are not present for an eternity from the time of your so-called big bang and then assigned a physical body for a human existence. There is not a line in the fluffy magic clouds of heaven where you await a physical body in which to inhabit.

Your source is just that, it is a source, it is the energy in all things. All things come from the Original Creator, you are a similar energy being to the true source of all life. You are able to create just as the Original Creator. You are able to experience and learn and produce things in your environment as is this source.

All things that are true for all energy beings are true for the source. All things that are true for the source are true for all energy beings. You are all able to isolate yourselves and mock yourselves and have yourselves. The source is also capable of this but the source is also capable of self-love, the connectedness that you share with others is often because you were sent with similar purpose, but often the love you share or the experience or interest that you share is due to the fact that you are parts, pieces, and beings from the same radiant Original Creator.

There are many levels to this discussion, suffice to say at this time, you are being informed that you are all one energy. You are individualized in this life time to experience specific actions, you are a source among sources for the purpose of learning what can and cannot be done and the implications of cause and effect on this dimension.

This universe is necessary because the source cannot provide for you another way of learning at the rate at which it occurs here. The rate at which you learn is often slow, but you are measuring this by human measurement. Be calm, be still. The source is infinite, do not worry that you lose your individuality when you leave this existence. You do not become part of an

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