- Hot and Cold
- Big and Small
- Tall and Short
- Rich and Poor
- Male and Female
- Day and Night
- Positive and Negative
- Love and Hate
- Success and Failure
The uniqueness of Earth is the aforementioned set-up of dichotomy. It creates what people call the paradox of life, for this contrasting nature is the chief reason why life can be seen as beautiful but yet challenging. The omnipresent duality is an integral aspect of the game of life that all of us are playing. Without it, our journey in this world would seem meaningless. This is because the life purpose of every individual hinges upon disparities and differences. The setting creates an environment of division i.e. two contrasting groups of ‘those who have’ and ‘those who lack’.
As an illustration, let us consider our occupations. The reason why anyone would employ us is because of what we can contribute to the employer e.g. our special skills and effort. If the employer already possesses the said skill and is able to undertake all the tasks at hand, would he then need to employ others? Likewise the world economy can only function with the existence of two distinct groups i.e. buyers and sellers. Trading is essentially based on demand and supply and it is what results in imports and exports of each country. If every country possesses the same goods and services and is self sufficient, the world economy would certainly come to a standstill! Thus, all of us rely on this dualistic nature for our job, purpose and self-worth. When the duality dissipates, would the game of life not come to an end?
However, often people get too wrapped up in the polarities until they forget that the duality is actually just a Divine design on this planet. In severe cases, separation at the highest level takes place resulting in discrimination, hatred, intolerance and wars. The ego thrives in such an environment. Therefore, it requires a great deal of effort for one to master the circumstances of duality that exist here.
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In our three dimensional world, even the energy fields which surround us comprise both the positive (energy of higher resonance) and negative (energy of lower resonance), which anyone can utilize to heal or harm others. For example, a psychic attack is actually possible and it is essentially an act of focusing on lower vibrations of energy and sending these as a thought-form to the specific target. In such a case, the receiver will feel the negative impact if his personal energy field (auric field) is not intact.
Generally people who are fearful or depressed are unconsciously causing fissures to their energy field and thus are likely to suffer the most from such attacks. Very often such cases are misinterpreted as demonic possessions. In truth, the entity called ‘demon’ does not exist but evil motives/emotions do attract and propagate negative energy. |
b) Size of the Halves
The size of the halves also connotes a significant meaning. The two equally sized segments indicate that the opposing extremes are of the same importance i.e. one is not more desirable than the other. An obvious example is the contrasting day and night times. Both periods are critical to our health and that of nature.
The same goes for the perennial battle of the sexes. Entering into a male versus female debate is counter-productive, as both genders complement one another. Thus equality is the key message conveyed by this characteristic.
c) Curvature of the Halves
The line separating the two distinct portions is not linear. Instead it is curved in a gradual manner. This means that the shift from one polarity to the next and vice versa is not abrupt or instantaneous. This is accurately reflected in the transition between day and night times as afternoons and evenings are experienced in that process.
d) Black dot within White Half / White dot within Black Half
The underlying message of this anomaly is that an extremity can be the causation of the other. This is exemplified by the many rags-to-riches stories in our human history. These stories normally speak of people who have lived in poverty during their earlier years. Propelled by hardship as a result of poverty, they went on to succeed in life and attain an abundance of wealth. Thus, one can recognize that poverty (often denounced as a negative trait) can actually be a seed for wealth. This example clearly shows how related the two polarities are, and therefore we should not judge them as either ‘good’ or ‘bad’ extremities.
e) The Overall Circular Shape
The circular shape indicates that despite the ever fluctuating nature of life, those changes will over time come into a full circle. The end of one cycle is also the birth of another, for life is continuous. A fine example is the cycle of Earthly seasons i.e. spring, summer, autumn and winter.
The world is truly a complex design but there is a natural balance in life, which can be observed. The forces within the globe allow the inhabitants of this planet, precious chances to experience a full spectrum of possibilities. Understanding the characteristics of nature and life, allows us to move forward, with a sense of clarity. We can then ride the ‘waves’ of life without any judgment (such as resentment, dismay, anger, etc.) towards changes and differences. When we live a balanced life, with respect to people, flora and fauna, we attain peace, health and a sustainable environment. This way of life is similar to the one practiced by the enlightened Buddha long ago i.e. the Middle Path.
On the other hand, when characteristics of the world are not understood and favoritism or extremism is practiced, an imbalance takes place and quite often, havoc ensues. Lack of respect for others and Mother Nature have time and again produced undesirable results. Wars, conflicts, pollution are chief effects of this imbalance in attitude. In the case of our planet, it is in perfect harmony in its original state. There are actually sufficient natural resources (e.g. timber, oil and minerals) for everyone to share. However, when greed and fear seep into the minds of human beings, things deplete faster than they can regenerate, causing dire consequences. Environmentalists have already warned us about the effects of causing an imbalance to the eco-system. A prime example of our undoing is the occurrence of landslides due to uncontrolled logging or deforestation.
Esoteric teachings and New Age materials have revealed that planet Earth/Mother Nature is actually a living energy, often called ‘Gaia’. It is known to have an incredible resilient power. History has proven to us that Earth will outlive any generation of human beings. The living planet also goes through many weather cycles and these cycles of nature are akin to the in-breath and out-breath of the human’s bodily function. These events inevitably change the map of the world. Essentially, no piece of land stays the same forever, especially after a massive Earthquake or tsunami.
What most people do not know is that Gaia also responds to human consciousness. When we remember that we are powerful beings of light, who emanate vibrations of energies, we will then believe that our collective consciousness does affect Gaia. We are truly fields of energy overlapping one another. In short, our existence is intricately linked to the life force of the planet that we inhabit. Thus, it is imperative for us to recognize the need to maintain a good balance with nature. The same applies to our relationships with other people of this world. If we accept and treat others as our equals despite differences in gender, race, nationality or culture, harmony will prevail. Embracing differences is honoring the truths of life. Upon deep reflection, the world with its unique characteristics is meant to be a test bed for our souls. This world is indeed the ultimate environment for self-mastery and personal discernment is the key.
“I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we only tune in.”
- George Washington Carver
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The torrential rain, flood, hurricane happening throughout the world in the years leading to 2012 are part of the larger weather cycles. This present cycle will eventually lead to a reduction in the overall temperature of the climate, (i.e. a phenomenon often called the ‘Global Cooling’), which will then take the planet to the next Ice Age. The weather cycles such as the current one, are not to be misinterpreted as divine condemnation and feared as such. Instead, the climate changes are the inherent characteristics of Mother Nature. Adjustments or relocations may be necessary but these weather anomalies do not signify the end of humanity. |
- C H A P T E R F I V E –
Universal Laws
In our daily lives, we are governed by various laws enacted by legislators or law makers, in our individual countries. Quite often, these laws may vary from one to another. In effect, rules which bind people in a certain nation may not be applicable to people in a neighboring country. Thus, an ironic scenario is created whereby people are subjected to different laws despite the fact that all of us are co-habiting the same planet. This leads to inconsistency in the administration of justice around the world. The situation becomes even more complex when rules are amended periodically, to suit the prevailing times.
Apart from the aforementioned arbitrary man-made regulations there exist other ‘higher’ laws which are invisible and more just in nature. These laws have been called the Universal Laws, for these apply to everyone regardless of their nationality. The Laws are not bound by geographical location and nor are these subjected to change, based on the whims and fancy of human beings. Therefore, Universal Laws are not affected by factors of physical distance and time since they are omnipresent and eternal. Also, the Laws are neutral as there is no element of biasness in them.
The most notable law is the Law of Cause and Effect, which has been phrased differently in the many religions of this world. ‘We reap what we sow’ is an often quoted phrase which reminds us of this law. The term ‘Karma’ is also synonymously linked to it. Karma in essence is actually a form of energy. Like other forms of energy it cannot be destroyed, once it is created. When this energy is emanated from us, we will need to reclaim it in the future, though not always in the same lifetime.
When viewed objectively, the Law of Cause and Effect is wondrous because it delivers justice to the denizens of Earth. Every action that we take creates ‘ripples’ in the fabric of the world and the final effect is guided by this Law. It is in this manner that people are ‘bound’ by karmic ties. Eventually they will come into contact with each other to resolve their outstanding issues or to balance their karma.
Happenings around the world, good or horrendous, do not occur randomly, as some scientists would like us to believe. Indeed, every event is connected somehow, even if it is not immediately discerned by us human beings. New Age books are aplenty these days which help explain the scenario. Due to the popularity of one entitled “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, many people of the present generation are made aware of The Law of Attraction. As with the other Laws, this one has been pivotal in aiding humanity manifest its realities.
‘Like attracts like’ is the simplest definition of this Law. The Universe truly has a unique way of delivering things or situations to us, which we deeply feel we deserve. In reality we attract all sorts of people and circumstances into our lives. The power of our sub-conscious mind cannot be overemphasized for it is a highly charged magnet that activates the Law. Therefore it is imperative that we guard our inner thoughts and ensure that it anchors onto higher levels of positive thoughts instead of lower frequencies of negativity.
When two or more people of similar vibration are gathered for a shared purpose, their combined energy directed to the attainment of that purpose is increased tremendously. This is the underlying principle of The Law of Fellowship. We do indeed achieve so much more when our efforts are combined. This esoteric awareness is being used by many healing groups all over the world e.g. in their prayers for healing individuals. Trainers or motivational speakers of the present generation use another term called ‘synergy’ to describe this invisible Law.
Another Law which many people can attest to is The Law of Resistance which basically states that - “What we resist, persists.” In other words, the very thing that we resist, we draw it into our lives. Resistance is usually due to fear or worry. This resistance also indicates that there is an underlying issue that we need to resolve. As such this omnipresent Law ensures that we face our lesson by encountering similar scenarios repeatedly, until we are able to overcome it successfully. This Law is a great learning tool which helps us build our sense of courage and confidence in life.
Apart from the aforementioned Laws, there are still others, which form the mechanisms of the Universe. Being cognizant of these the Laws can be highly beneficial, because we can then avoid the unnecessary pitfalls or refrain from undesirable actions. Without such an understanding, we may end up going against the tide of nature and making life harder than it should be. When that happens, we tend put the blame on anyone or everyone. This inadvertently creates a strain in our relationship with others, as the vicious cycle of retaliation begins. In such an instance, ignorance is certainly NOT bliss.
In conclusion, we stand to gain the most when we maintain a keen sense of awareness in the workings of life, such as the comprehension of these Universal Laws. Our acknowledgement of these Laws illuminates our consciousness. Life could then be lived as a meaningful co-creation process with the Divine, rather than a lonely unguided journey.
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The term ‘Universal Laws’ may seem offensive to many as it connotes some form of binding rules that limit our experiences. However, one ought to view it as just a description to indicate that there is a Divine System put in place within our Universe. In other words, there really is an intelligent design behind the ‘chaos’ we see in life and it negates the ‘random theory’ most scientists espouse. |
- C H A P T E R S I X -
Reincarnation & Its Purpose
Reincarnation is not just a concept in some eastern religions, as some skeptics would argue. It is a real process whereby a spiritual being takes the form of a physical entity, to experience, learn and evolve, over a long series of lifetimes. In most cases, the being plays a different role, in each lifetime, to expedite the learning process. Taking on a different role also grants a person a great opportunity to even one’s past karma. Some describe this as a way of repaying karmic debt accumulated from past lives. However, this phrasing has a negative connotation, which many of us will find it difficult to accept.
In truth, reincarnation is the great equalizer which benefits everyone. It allows a person, who in a lifetime behaved as an aggressor, to learn from his mistakes by assuming the role of a victim, in a subsequent lifetime. Likewise, it also gives a person a chance to reap the rewards in the form of a better lifetime in the future, after enduring a tough and challenging past life.
In modern times, the proof of reincarnation could be obtained from testimonials of people around the globe, who had undergone past life hypnotic regression. These people who had successfully regressed to their former lives were able to provide past details, which were consistent with archives or historical records. A key point to note is that some of these people did not even subscribe to the belief of reincarnation, prior to their regressions.
Among the acclaimed hypnotherapists of today are Dr. Brian Weiss and Dr. Michael Newton, who have both published books based on the case studies of their patients. Dr. Brian Weiss’ first book entitled “Many Lives, Many Masters” is a bestseller and he has since appeared on TV programs such as Oprah and Larry King Live. Dr. Michael Newton’s books “Journey of Souls” and “Destiny of Souls” have been described as ground-breaking and he too, was a guest of many TV and radio talk shows. In addition the hypnotherapist also founded The Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy (TNI).
Cases validating reincarnation do not just involve adults but children as well. A modern day example is an American child by the name of James Leininger, who recalled details of his past life, which was subsequently supported by records and accounts of people who are still alive. This extraordinary story was captured and featured on ABC TV show Primetime. Many more cases such as these have been researched and documented by a lady named Carol Bowman in her books - ‘Children’s Past Lives’ and ‘Return from Heaven-Beloved Relatives Reincarnated Within Your Family’. Ms Carol explained that in James’ case, he was at an age when former lives are most easily recalled. This is because at their tender age, they have not had much conditioning yet and thus, their past life memory can surface more easily than adults.
Another name worthy of mention is Dr. Ian Stevenson, who has since passed over. He was head of the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia, which investigates the paranormal. He had spent over forty years investigating thousands of childhood cases around the world that suggested the possibility of reincarnation and had published numerous books before his demise. Among the books were “Children Who Remember Previous Lives” and “Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation”.
Arguably the greatest American psychic of the twentieth century i.e. the late Edgar Cayce too believed in reincarnation. During his time on Earth, he had given thousands of psychic readings and the transcripts of the readings have been made available for examination and study in the library of the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, Virginia. More than ten percent of them concern life readings on past and present incarnations. He agreed that life and its expressions are one. Every soul or entity will and does return in a cycle of life. Today, members of Cayce’s organization, Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) exist worldwide and numerous books have been written about this legendary soul.
The inhabitants on Earth truly comprise souls or spiritual beings which have had various past life experiences. However the number of life times one has had may vary. As such some may have lived hundreds of life times before, whereas others might only have double digit life times. It is also possible that certain people are actually having their first incarnation on this planet, right now. Such souls who have had very few life times on Earth are likely to have lived on other planets or in other non-physical dimensions, before. At this point we need to broaden our minds to accept the fact that Earth is not the only habitable planet in the Universe.
The characteristic and the level of wisdom of a soul are directly related to these different incarnations or life experiences. This actually helps to explain why children within the same family may exhibit different behaviors and mannerism despite their sharing of the same parents. However, people who are more inclined to left-brain thinking tend not to believe in past lives and the survival of human consciousness after physical death. These people are usually the same ones who have trouble understanding the conflicting personalities/level of wisdom of their children.
There are children in this world who seem much wiser than what their age might infer. Very often, such children are actually not young ones but are souls who have had many past incarnations. Their wealth of past experiences which include numerous previous lessons shape their present mental and emotional being. People who claim to be experts in the study of behavioral science but disregard the eternal nature of our souls would normally conjure up theories or assumptions that would not stand the test of time.
In reality, we are spiritual beings occupying this vehicle called the ‘human body’, to experience life on Earth. We draw upon invaluable information accumulated from the past, to co-create our future in this world. This is the true meaning of ‘evolution of souls’. Life is not random, as scientists would like us to believe. There is a system to this ‘madness’ in life and it revolves around inter-planetary and inter-dimensional life times.
Also, for each soul there is an agreement with the Divine force called the soul contract, which in essence contains the soul’s intended life path and set-ups linked to one’s karma. It is an understanding made based on mutual willingness and not compulsion. This contract then becomes the blueprint for the soul’s journey.
Time and again, channeling by mediums, hypnotherapy sessions and deep meditations have revealed that we do come back to Earth voluntarily to experience life as a human being, despite the ‘amnesia’ and hardship. On the other side of the veil, there is instead eternal bliss and an expanded sense of our existence. The Earthly condition provides a huge test for the souls and through reincarnation, the level of energy of the planet itself is impacted. What we do collectively within this lifetime shapes the future energy of the world.
The many cycles of reincarnation on Earth form the key engine of growth and expansion in the master design of the Universe. From the highest vantage point, our planet is an integral part of the sum of all the planets and galaxies out there. As an analogy, the Universe can be viewed as a huge intricate machine, made from gears of various sizes with Earth being a cog right in the centre of all these moving parts. As this piece moves, it drives the other components. Hence, as inhabitants of this world, we are the ones initiating the movement of this critical piece. Humility notwithstanding, we s