Peace by Paul Keller - HTML preview

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Words of Power

‘Words must be spoken with great care. They contain power within them, some more than others.  The more ancient a word the more powerful it will tend to be. Some notes or sounds are also more powerful than others.  Words can attract additional power and force if used in group form.  Bad words like swear words can attract bad energies and forces to them and the forms they create, if created with the baser instincts, like anger or jealously, will often give them sharp defining edges and a dark red or muddy green colour with red particles within this. Beware the creator also, because at some point these thought forms will surely come back like a boomerang with either reduced or increased force to that sent. 

If you send out thoughts of peace or protection in the form of a blessing then you can literally create small angels or symbols of power.  If you direct it to a person or people then they can protect those you send them to.  However, like any good builder you must construct these with care and spend time doing so – do not think too much of the person you send it to.  Instead let the powers of the Universal Spirit work through you as a channel for love and peace and ask for their guidance in directing this energy to where it is needed most.

Indefinite forms are cloudlike in shape and float around as such, usually around the creator, either enhancing or reducing the aura they surround.

‘A man sitting in his room and thinking right thoughts will be heard a hundred miles away.’

To the unskilled occultist the power of prayer is an easier form to start with, especially if you are passing on the thought form or words of power for a higher being to pass on for you, to wherever it is most needed.

With all thought forms it is great responsibility.  If you have the eye of seeing then this is real – even if you do not you may train yourself to feel or see such vibrations as love or anger within your own aura and therefore recognise them in others.

Body language is worth a course of study.

You do not need to see the definite, muddy red, cone shaped arrows that will fly from someone that is shouting abuse towards you or another. What may seem as a magical world of colour and shape has its roots from the thoughts of beings all around – this is the world of the ‘Deva’.  DO NOT retaliate with the same course of action, rather send thoughts of love and blessing that will protect you and the one sent to.

The universal rule is:

‘Keep the hearth of your thoughts pure’.

The Spirit World

‘Sound is associated with colour – if a note is sounded, colour can be seen corresponding to the note sounded, by one with the eye of seeing.  Music itself can leave many coloured impressions that can emanate for a longer period than the notes heard. Certain musicians can emanate a signature similar to that in their own writing, so you can differentiate their own unique form of work through the colours formed from their music.  For bigger energy signals, instruments like an organ are far superior to a piano.  In the same way a band playing a particular note will create a greater energy signature than that of a person playing by themselves.

Peoples’ intelligence makes a difference to such forms – if added it greatly increases the power of the forms created and can give them more definition and lasting energy.’

“Remember white magic is black’s opposite but in using it against this ensure you are using it in defence.  Use the enemies own force against itself.  If you should simply attack through anger, grief or of the other base astral emotions then you will invoke bad energy upon yourself. Be detached in your spell casting from that of the emotions. Use your higher self to achieve that which you would otherwise struggle with.”


 ‘While meditation can bring down power, service is the way of utilising that power for good.  Failure to serve is like juggling more and more items in the air.   If you do not pass them onto another you may well loose them all.  In a similar way a dam will burst if it is overfilled with water.

For service to be effective it is dependent on motive. When you are motivated to help your brother from the heart and you do this freely with the aim of giving without expecting anything in return, then you serve.

 ‘Hands that help are holier than lips that pray.’

The act of serving is greater than the mere desire to serve’.

‘See the need and meet the need’.

‘Karma - If you hit someone, expect to be hit back.  If you steal from someone expect to be stolen from.  If you love someone, you will be loved back.  If you give freely, then freely shall you receive – this is the law of karma – ‘as you sow so shall you reap’.

Complications seem to arise in this universal law when they extend over several life times.  That is, the person in current incarnation is under the effects of a past incarnation.   Examples could be when you meet someone in this life that seems awful to you for no apparent reason. It could well be in a past life you were bad to them.  Here is where the apprentice must break the cycle.

Where you see hate give love, death – life, despair – hope. Only then will you eventually find balance in your life.

‘Treat others as you would wish yourself treated’ and you will not go wrong.

As to understanding whether this or that is karmic in nature it is better to just get on with life and the job of service – i.e. doing good to your brother, that way good will work out in your own  life.

Let the Lords of Karma, your Master or soul work out the full effects of these lofty laws.

While man has his laws and criminals seem too often escape these laws, they cannot escape the universal law of karma. If the effects of karma are not dealt with in this lifetime, then the person will need to reincarnate (be born again) to the cycle of birth and death and put right their wrongs in their next life.

A man who stole from others but was never caught or brought to justice in this life, he died and was eventually reborn.  In his next life he could not understand why his house was always being burgled or why his things went missing or were stolen from him …


‘Secret forces are bringing compatible spirits together.  If the man permits himself to be led by this ineffable attraction, good fortune will come his way.  When deep friendships exist, formalities and elaborate preparations are not necessary.’

The power of true friendship should never be underestimated, for in it is true love.  When one is ready to give up so much as to die for another then in such giving up will you receive as much of the spirit.

‘Wherever there are two or more gathered in my name there shall I be.’

love is giving and forgiving’.

‘Most of us are lost in a false world of ‘ego’.  We believe us to be something we are not – like a king that thinks he is above his people or a peasant who thinks that he is below his king – both are sides of the same coin.  If we think highly or lowly of ourselves it is of the ego.

Far better to be ‘detached’ from life not cold and uncaring, or so caring that one can do nothing because one is lost in sadness. It is better to be detached – this is when one is in the world but not of it.

Things do not control us – we are in control of them.  The winds of life’s troubles do not blow us about, for we are like the light of the sun in their presence.

It is not right that we think of ourselves above or below another, rather that we as beings, ‘just be!’

Ego can be eradicated through ‘service’ which is giving or helping from the heart, without seeking any reward.’

“It is better to make your own mind up with people you meet in life and not let others make it up for you.  See the positive side of all people and remark on it.  Do not participate in idle gossip, for this is often a poison, and those that gossip with you will often gossip about you.

Speak good of all.  Even your enemies can provide a challenge to you in bringing forth more good.” 

‘On seeking the Universal Spirit...

Although signs can be found of an outward nature, they are only of a temporary happiness, it is within your own heart that you will find everlasting peace.  Though there are many churches and other such buildings built to worship me, do not forget that your body is also one such temple and that when you sit down quietly to meditate or pray you can find me deep within you.

“It is good to grow up in a church, but not die in one.”

Do not allow others to tell you what I am rather find out for yourself.  You must ask the question deeply – ‘WHO AM I?’


Enjoy life...

Look at the beauty of nature around you and find peace and tranquillity within it and within you. 

Be detached in life so that the things of life do not attach to you.  ‘By giving up things you receive’.

If you try to possess energy it will destroy you.  Avoid obsession and be detached, intelligently using it for the good of others.

‘Seek not to control least you be controlled’.

Without energy nothing can happen – use it creatively for best effect but do not waste it by calling upon it blindly and not using it or it can destroy you.

People try to amass wealth, often in the form of money, money itself having energy behind it. But this is bad – all energy should be shared in some way.  Think of it like a football and you will see an idea of how it works if you intend to succeed in scoring a goal you will need to pass the ball to others before it can come back to you.  Failure to do this will often mean someone or something will end up taking it away from you.

‘Life is sometimes like a bar of soap – if you hold on to it too tight it will jump out of your hands!’

“The Universal Spirit is all around you.  Find me in all things and you will never lack real friends.  Though some may seem to leave others may appear and if you see me in them then you will never lose friends.  Their faces may change in the passage of time but that which is in their heart is the same which is in yours – love transcends all.”

“For the love of good and for the good of love do we work.”