Peace by Paul Keller - HTML preview

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“But what can we do?”

This is often a widely expressed question by people of goodwill when they are faced with such situations they feel futile to help h. If we examine our media we see war torn countries massacring innocent civilians, starving millions in poverty stricken areas of the third world. We see the homeless, the jobless, various crimes rampant within our societies. we hear of crimes against the animal kingdom carried out by mankind, thousands of animals which are needlessly mutilated and slaughtered to test cosmetics, vivisection etc. we hear of horrible animal experiments, many of which are needless and could be readily reduced if the companies around the world would SHARE their results of any such experiments, ending the needless duplication of tests.

One person on their own when faced with this daunting question "But what can we do?" must feel that the forces of evil on this planet are ranged overwhelmingly against him or her.

'This is not so.

Although there is a great amount of bad in our world today there is also a great amount of GOOD, in fact the good outweighs the bad (it is our media which tells us otherwise with its biased reporting of bad news). Good amongst humanity is generally not well coordinated enough because so many people ask this question "But what can we do?", and do nothing. They mean well, they think good, but do not necessarily take the needed action to uphold that which is good by doing good. This needed 'loving Action' is called SERVICE, and it is this that is needed more than anything in our world today, as we all prepare for creating the right climate needed for the New Age - Our organisational name "Universal World Harmony through Service" is quite a mouthful to say in one go. Some people shorten it to Universal Harmony or when writing, write 'UWHTS'. This is file but if you really want to know what this organisation is about remember the one word, 'Service'. It is 'service' (loving Action) carried out for the pod of others, for God, for man and all the other kingdoms of our world and outside of it, that will help bring about Universal  World Harmony. It must be understood that this cannot be done single handed, teamwork is required.

All who aspire to what is good must put that good to the service of God by giving service to man, (universal brotherhood must become a fact and not merely an idea, all peoples, all groups, all nations must learn to SHARE and act together for the common good of ALL. Not all of us can be world leaders or heads of great organisations, nor is this necessarily desired. All of us can however at some level, SERVE. No matter what our age, physical condition, or when the job we may work in.

Begin first with yourself, your personality, “man know thyself” think good, write good, speak good and do good. If in some boring factory job turn your thoughts to God. Think of him in his divine form that feels right to you, give forth your love to him when working, and he will surely give forth his love and light to you. Learn to always see others merits and your own faults, compliment other people on their good points, never criticise them, or speak derogatorily of them. We do not know the full story of another person’s life or circumstances. We should not judge them or their groups. We must not use slander or gossip. Instead we must speak good and praise them on their good points and remember that there are many paths to God.

Just because our path may be different to others it does not make ours right and another’s wrong.

When you learn to coordinate all that you are into 'service' (Loving Action) a great force builds up, a magnetic loving force for good. It is then that you come to realise that you not alone, and never have been. By shining out your light and letting God’s light shine through you, you can uplift all those around you, your family, friends, work associates, people on the bus, in the streets in the shops, etc.

What power we have with our speech if we were to but use it correctly in the God given way. When we say "Thank you" charged with love, when we say, “Good morning” to a complete stranger with sincerity. In so doing we are praising God with our God given gilt of speech.

'Service' is the answer to all those who ask that question, “But what can we do?”  Our modes of expression are limitless. Give forth ‘loving action’ in all you do, in this way can you aid in the building of the New Age loving Action, or 'service' can also be more simply called SHARING.

One person on their own can make a mighty difference when they realise that they are a part of the ONE and also that they are not alone in their thoughts and deeds for good. Millions of light workers now pervade this planet at this time, tens of thousands of disciples and initiates, many of the masters and even the Christ. As well as many Avatars, Angels or Devas and our space brothers who are all aiding us on our evolutionary journey towards Godhead. Someday soon this will be known to be the reality, the fact amongst the masses, but for the moment join in this great army of light today and together let us help play our part in the joy of giving service.

“All is based on service and love”