Prophecy & The New Earth Religion by Michael Burke - HTML preview

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GRACE:  This law works for those who truly believe and willingly put it into operation in their life.  If you simply love yourself and love all those in the human form as you love God, then grace will return that love you send forth back unto you in this lifetime.


HEALING: All that is needed for this law is to think positively on forgiving yourself, and forgiving all others who have done you harm spiritually, mentally, emotionally and/or  physically.  You must be completely honest in your forgiveness in order for it to have the desired effect.  Health is a combination of mind, body and soul.  When disease comes, you must treat the whole person, not just the symptom, or you will keep experiencing the same disease.  Look past the symptom for the root cause and heal the total being.


KARMA:  This is NOT one of Gods laws as many may believe, and it does not operate as stated.  Karma is a term which implies cause and effect.  It is simply a philosophical term implying; do good and good will come to you, or do evil and evil will come to you in this incarnation or in your next reincarnation.  Souls in the human form create ‘cause’ through their own thoughts, which are ‘positive or negative’ which then set in motion the ‘effect’ the soul desires to use as a tool to learn and experience a chosen lesson.










































     In this section it will be explained how to bring healing energy to yourself, and also how you can deliver healing energy to others, such as family members and friends.

     There are some things to know before the different healing techniques are explained.  No one can receive healing until their soul itself is prepared to accept the healing energy.  It matters not how strong the healing energy is or who is delivering the healing energy, nothing will be healed until that person’s soul is willing to accept it. 

     The reason some souls refuse to allow the body they inhabit to be healed may be due to a karmic lesson the soul is learning or experiencing at the time.  For example, if the soul chose to experience a specific disease, such as cancer, then it will refuse to allow healing to take place in the body until the lesson has been learned or experienced for the soul’s spiritual growth.

     The following information will provide the basic knowledge needed to instruct you on how to do ‘self healing’ and how to do ’hands-on-healing.’  Please note, when the word ‘spirit’ is used, it does in no way imply a connection to any organized religion.  You can be an enlightened spiritual person and have no affiliation with any religious group.





     Everyone has a soul companion or what some term a guardian angel from the world of spirit that is assigned to them during their lifetime on Earth.  Your angel will not intervene in your chosen life unless you ask for help or some specific type of assistance.  Otherwise, your angel will simply observe your life without you even being aware of it.

     Now, if you pray or mentally call upon your angel for help, then your soul companion will intervene in your life to help you.  For example, if you catch the flu and you ask for help, then your angel will bring forth healing energy to help you recover from the illness.  If you catch the flu and don’t ask for help, your soul companion will simply allow you to be as sick as you desire.  You have free will and your angel cannot assist you unless you ask.  You have the right to be as sick as you wish.

     Begin self healing by sitting or lying down in a comfortable position if possible.  This will help relax your body and mind.  If it is possible, also limit the light and noise that surround you at this time.  Now mentally call to your angel.  For example say, “This is (your name) and I am calling for my angel to please come forth and place a shield of love, strength and protection around me straight from God.  I need healing energy to help me with (state what the disease, injury, or problem is with your physical body).  Thank you or Amen (if you wish to ask it as a prayer).

     At this time, if you can reach the afflicted area, place the area or limb between your hands, or simply lay the palm side of your hands on or near the problem site.  If you are unable to reach the area, simply rest your hands in your lap (sitting) or place them by your sides (lying down).  Now after calling your angel, close your eyes and visualize the affected region or injury site becoming filed with a bright healing light.  See the area becoming healthy and whole again.  Visualize the disease being consumed by the healing light.  Feel your body being energized and restored to good health again.

     You may repeat this process as often as you require it.  Keep asking for healing energy from your soul companion for as long as you feel the need.  Don’t give up too soon, the physical body takes time to respond and restore itself with the new energy coming to it.  Just remember, some illnesses you have placed in your path to learn a specific lesson, so once the lesson has been experienced, the healing energy will then connect and provide the help you seek.





     This technique is used for bringing healing to family and friends who are open to energy healing.  As mentioned before, not all healing concerns a person’s health.  Illness and disease can be brought on for many reasons; such as a learning experience chosen by the person who needs an illness to teach them about deeper unconditional love.  So providing them with healing energy may have no effect until the lesson has been understood.


     Healing energy of this type comes from the world of spirit, where your soul companion can draw upon the needed energy there that comes straight from Gods energy.  Your angel can then use your body to deliver the healing energy through you to bridge the gap between this world and the other world.  Your angel can deliver the healing energy without your assistance; it just makes it easier if they use you as the delivery system for the person you are trying to help.

     When you ask your soul companion in the other world to bring hands-on-healing, you are giving your permission to use your body for this healing.  Do not send your energy to the person you are helping, let that healing energy come only from your angel or you may take back into your body some of the sickness from the person you are in physical contact with.



     Follow this basic procedure in hands-on-healing before you start:

Once you have gotten the persons permission to give them healing, relax yourself by taking three deep breath’s.  Before touching the person, close your eyes and mentally call for your angel or soul companion and ask that they place a shield of protection around you straight from God.  This shield will keep any negative energy from coming back to you during the energy transfer.

     Some people may not feel comfortable with you touching them, and that is alright.  You yourself may be concerned about having to touch the person, then simply don’t.  You can still deliver the healing energy without making physical contact.

     For example, if your friend comes to you with a migraine headache and you both agree to the giving and receiving of healing energy, you can have your friend sit upright in a chair so that you can stand behind them.  If your friend doesn’t mind being touched, then place the palm of your right hand on the right side of their head near their ear, and do the same with your left hand.  If they don’t want to be touched, then simply hold your hands in the same positions, but move them out about an inch or two from their head.  Between your hands is where the energy field will be.  As your angel sends the healing energy through your body, down your arms to your hands, the energy will pass between your right and left hand into their head.  So you do not have to touch the person to send the energy into them.

     While you are allowing the healing energy to pass through you into your friend or family member, visualize that person in your mind smiling and in a state of good health.  Visualization aids in helping with the healing energy your angel is sending through you. 

     Most energy transfers last only between five and ten minutes, so once you feel nothing else is coming through you, simply stop.  Mentally thank your soul companion for the healing and you are finished for now.  You and your friend can decide how often you wish to repeat the hands-on-healing depending on the injury or illness.










































     Take heed when your body gives you subtle warnings of impending illness and the like.  Neglecting your health early on can lead to traumatic events later in life.  The combined effects of your own actions, thoughts and negative energy can bring on disease that was not of your choosing to experience.  Simply to say your free will in neglecting your health can bring on disease and injury to your body.  Your health is in your hands, and no pill will correct the problem you have created through neglect.  Change must come from your soul to have a lasting and total rebalancing effect for your physical health concerns.  Pills simply mask the true underlying problem that needs your attention.

     The following are just a few subjects that may provide some understanding to those persons who have experienced, or may now be experiencing these events.  The listed items have an impact on a person’s health in one or more of the following ways; physically, mentally, emotionally, and/or spiritually.



ABORTION:  This is not for mankind to understand completely.  It is a lesson for many to learn in order to understand this great choice.  There should be acceptance of this practice, though the goal should be to overcome the fear, worry, and selfishness associated with it by those who are wishing to carry it out.  God understands when and why some women choose abortion.  Through free will God allows them to exercise their decision as it pertains to their soul path.  God will not judge you for your decision, only you judge your life for the decisions you make based on the lessons you chose to learn and experience.  Those who are ‘pro-choice’ and those who are ‘pro-life’ are both correct in their decisions they make concerning abortion.  It is a learning experience no matter which path you choose.



ADDICTION:  There are many reasons and many forms of addiction, but there are many who do not seek to remedy the underlying cause, but simply seek only to address the outward expression of the addiction.  For many, to identify the true cause may be simply to ask yourself what it is you are trying to avoid or escape from in your life.  Once you realize the true cause and stop the addicting behavior, you must make a positive change to remedy the original cause, or you will open yourself to new addictions.  Addiction is simply a signal to a person to let them know there is an area of their life, be it concerning health or an energy imbalance, that a problem exists and that they need to take action to correct the imbalance.  A person can trace back to the source of their problem, on their own, and even without assistance, to develop a plan to eliminate the addiction as they come to understand the true reason for their addiction.



ANGER:  Those who need to express anger should do so in a positive manner.  It is not necessary to contribute to the anger of another person or group, no matter what they seem to be upset about.  Allow your anger to be released in a positive manner such as doing physically taxing work or movement that will express this pent up energy without it building into something negative or destructive.



CANCER:  Fear plays a major role in this disease, and fear is simply the absence of unconditional love.  Treatment for any of the many cancers that affect the body depends on the reason you have allowed it to manifest in your life.  For example, things that weaken the immune system of a person’s body; not getting enough sleep, a poor diet and lack of exercise, excessive smoking, too much stress, excessive drinking, harmful drugs, excessive negative thinking and/or a combination thereof can bring on cancer or some other life threatening disease.  Cancer can be something a soul programmed into their human life to force them to confront the lesson of unconditional love as a means to further their spiritual growth, and/or the growth of those close to them.  Cancer is just one of the many diseases souls chose to pull them out of the complacency we follow in life.  Sitting in front of the cable TV or computer screen all day does nothing to help us with the true lessons we came here to experience.  So caner and other diseases refocus us on the true path we wanted to experience, that of advancing our soul through the lessons of love.  Healing a major disease depends on ‘why’ we created the disease in the first place.



COLD and FLU:  Diet is the biggest factor for preventing and stopping ailments of this type.  There are no quick fixes when dealing with a physical body.  People turn to pills and similar medicines because they think they are a quick fix, but this is misleading.  Pills only mask the problem and give the false impression that the person has properly healed.  The body is telling the person that it is tired and fatigued and needs simple rest to restore its immune system.  Masking the problem with pills and medications while you continue to work on simply opens your weakened system to major disease later in life.  Changing your diet can have a tremendous impact on your physical well being; add more ‘raw’ fruits and vegetables and less heavy meats to improve your immune system.



CRIB DEATH:  For those who have encountered ‘Sudden Infant Death Syndrome’ or what is more commonly called ‘Crib Death,’ here is the major explanation for this occurrence.  Once the mother has given birth, from that point up until the approximate age of two, the new soul that has incarnated into this world through the baby’s body has a decision to make.  It can choose with its free will to stay and work on the lessons it chose to experience or it can back out of that planned life and simply leave and return to the world of spirit.  If it chooses to vacate the body, the baby’s shell simply dies.  With no soul inside the body, it stops functioning and shuts down.  So if there is no medical reason found for an infant’s death, the soul itself left for reasons only known to it.  Doctor’s then unable to find a medical cause term it to be a ‘Crib Death.’  The soul leaves the tiny body not to punish the parents (even though it may be a spiritual lesson for the parents) but for its own personal reasons seeking the best life to help it advance spiritually.



DEPRESSION:  Depression, like stress, is caused by the physical mind attempting to rid their soul of feelings which do not agree with their physical or energy body.  When the mind engages in repeated negative thoughts and/or actions the only way the body knows how to cope is to bring on depression and/or anxiety trying to protect itself.  These thoughts or actions go against the soul’s true and higher self.  To move from depression, one must change their negative thoughts and/or move out of the negative behavioral pattern they have moved into, or been caught up in.  Whoever caused you harm or mental anguish, you can simply move from it by taking positive action to move from it or away from those who push you in a negative direction.  No pill will bring this change; there must be a physical, mental, emotional and/or change in their beliefs by the person in order to move out of the depression and/or stress they are experiencing.  If you are depressed by past actions, then learn from them and move beyond them.  Many will not change and just medicate themselves with pills and therapy, yet they remain feeling unhealthy and unbalanced because society labels them clinically depressed. True change must come from within the person, you must make the change.  No therapist, doctor, friends or family can do it for you. 



DIET:  When it comes to nourishing the human body, be sure to consume things that are natural, non-synthetic, and were created for the healthful operation of the physical form.  Be sure you understand there is much on food labels that are masked and concealed so that a consumer may not at first glance know what it truly contains.  You need to look very close t

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