Psychics and Seances by Annette de Jonge - HTML preview

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Learning Continues.

In school, you are taught a lesson and then given a test.

In life you are given a test that that teaches you a lesson.

Tom Bodett


It became apparent to me that I was also in contact with other dimensional beings commonly referred to as extraterrestrials or aliens. All of my experiences were and still continue to be through my inner vision or by out-of-body, astral experiences.

I do remember that as a child being on space ships and at one time being operated on with a metal instrument being inserted into my navel. However, there is no recollection of being physically taken out of bed or whisked away in the manner others have spoken about. As mentioned, my experiences are usually in the astral, out-of-body state while my physical 'me' stays comfortably at home.

I continued to seek out knowledge through books. Now aware that there was some form of interaction between extraterrestrials and myself it became another quest for understanding. So those types of books were sought out to assist me with this part of my learning. The only books found at the time to help me with my understanding about these entities came from science-fiction stories. The writers never made it clear to their readers whether or not they were writing from information gained from their own interactions, but I did discover that what was written about did not relate to my experiences.

Even though it was apparent to me that there was guidance behind the scenes, this trial and error method of my learning was still frustrating. I never thought to ask if the spirit realm identities could interact with extraterrestrials. It was only decades later the knowledge came that they can and do sometimes. It was around the same time that other people came into my life who were ready to learn and develop their own potentials. Most were unaware they had these wonderful, latent capabilities. Like Barbara in her early days, some had not been interested in anything to do with the paranormal and had started to develop their psychic senses seemingly unbidden. However, once the person consciously started working with their abilities, many showed amazing skills. As I continued experimenting, extending my abilities other enlightening books on both spiritual and psychic matters were coming onto the market. I read them avidly. This led to all kinds of experimentation that seemed safe for me to do. Once mastered, they were then taught to others.

Others also taught me. I learned astrology, numerology and graphology or hand writing analysis as well as any other subjects that took my fancy at the time.

I cannot claim to be expert on any of these topics and my learning was often more curiosity than dedication. However, I do have great respect for those who have studied and understand the subjects more intricately than me. These subjects are fascinating and can tell a person many remarkable facts about themselves and their hidden potentials. What my studies have shown me is that if our soul, the unseen part of each person, wants to learn specific lessons it has the ability to set the stage for opportunities to happen. I have come to accept that there are no such things as coincidences or accidents.

Through experience gained over time and further information provided to me by my teachers is the understanding that I assist the unseen dimensions. One of the ways of assisting the unseen realms is to allow souls to communicate through me. For your interest, there are different examples in this book of some of the personalities who have communicated with me.

At all stages of communication my teachers are always there monitoring, ensuring all goes to plan without any harm coming to either party. It is they who choose who is allowed to experience speaking through me and have proved to me over the years they are always vigilant and well in control

A communication I received gives a spirit’s point of view. It also makes clear that wherever you are, whatever dimension, learning continues.


Life repeats itself mindlessly – unless you become mindful, it will go on repeating like a wheel. Osho


On this particular day, I had only just begun my contact via inspirational writing. My expectation was it would flow as normal. My questions would be asked and answers would be given from one or the other of the unseen beings present in the class. This did happen but this particular class seemed to be a little different because someone new wanted to communicate with me.

I focused and saw with my inner vision the man who wanted to speak. Speaking is the right word because I heard what was presumably was his own voice coming from inside my head. A light colored toga covered a man of about medium build and height. His age, at a guess, was somewhere in his mid 60s. The room or wide corridor he stood in looked unfurnished except for several marble benches on one wall. Along another wall were thick round marble columns of the same color as the tiles on the floor. Except for the appearance of the male, the scene was one pale monochrome. Creamy-white sheer curtains were draped from wall to ceiling. It is possibly that this area may be one of the meeting places for the physical and non-physical. This is how the communication continued:

(Me) Excuse me for interrupting, but where are my teachers? They are here unbeknown to you on your side of the veil. All is well. Then why am I communicating with you and will you give a name? Dear, oh dear. Two questions at the one time. I am Rastafus [not sure if I heard his name correctly] in this garb, persona. It suits me to be called this and be shown in this way.

It is a good persona. Much was achieved while in it. Arduous now this change of mode, of dress [taking on the energy of the body he once had] .

Yes, I did give out kindness, not hatred. The times [the times when he lived as that person] were arduous yet fulfilling in many ways. Much good was accomplished while in that Roman lifetime.

The answer to your second question, I am sure it is obvious yes, I see it is; you are the source, the link to gain credibility on the earth plane whilst being here where I am. It is training, a practice run, a springboard to see how adept I am in communicating.

Your friends, you see, have not gone. They are here, monitoring both you and me. Any tiredness on your part, and misdemeanor, incompatibility from me, accidental or not and I am zipped away, removed. They know, we are screened as you say before we begin. Clucking, fussing behind the scenes. All are one. But don’t our energy vibrations need to be the same?

Yes, I understand. It is true. Yet again sometimes they are not and you let in unhealthy elements into your body. [This is in reference to another situation when I did not protect myself and experienced a psychic attack. More on that later]. Like viruses invading the physical, they do cause harm. You understand this yet it happens. Vigilance is needed on all levels yet sometimes it is not always achieved. You know it well.

So you are having a practice run and I am protected by my teachers who are just out of my visual range? Are you to gain experience and find another medium to work with?

It is communication practice, to see and gain experience. I have not decided if I want to go this way. It is rewarding but arduous. Constraints [between the physical and non-physical worlds] are lifted during communication yet I am not sure. It is challenging for all concerned. Other avenues also beckon me to learn, to grow. What would they be?

We could extend further and navigate other realms too. Once out of our physical body we are unencumbered. It is easy to go to other levels. Of course, you are aware it is not achievable to access higher, finer ones but there are others little known to you.

I see you are confused yet your curiosity is piqued. Innumerable universes, with their [I had been writing fast and could not read the next word] levels, harmonies await. It is only choice that limits us. You mean not knowing what is there or having a specific destination? It is along this way yet again, there is guidance. Let your thoughts, memories take you back in time to some of your escapades. Were you not, was not it possible for you to get there to some unknown ones? To learn of inhabitants at various, previously unknown to you, places. You were guided. You only had to place a thought out to go somewhere and your natural inclinations got you there. It is the same with me, with others. In a basic comparison, it is like getting into a vehicle and telling the driver to take you somewhere they decide? Somewhat, yet you choose by your vibrations. Curiosity gets you, a person or soul only so far. But as spiritual beings our vibrations have us mainly at the spirit realms. We do not know of these other places.’

This is true, yet they are there. If they are there, they are to be accessed. Learning curves here. Will yourself. Correct direction; leave the spirit realm, though in truth, all realms are spirit. Get bearings. I feel it is harmonies, what I want to achieve, that sets me and others right with direction.

Livingston, those who conquered the ignorance of land on the earth sphere, went with a dream, a vague impression or hope. Choose along this way. Go: program self to go far afield through unchartered territory to gain the experience and knowledge. You cannot be hurt so be unafraid. It is an adventure, breaking forth, removing old fear-based barriers. That is what is needed to be. Reach high and it shall be.

I am getting good at this. Perhaps the arduousness has worn off and I have found my mission. It is to inspire, to give substance and confidence to others. Yet again unchartered waters call. With the persona of a previous existence comes also the experiences and frustration memory but also the love and regard. I go this way.

Peace and blessings. You know the way.

The Shadow People

'We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to learn, to grow,

to love. And then we return home.'

Aboriginal saying


I don't know when it started but occasionally when I was relaxed , preparing a meal I would catch a quick movement of something from out of the corner of my eyes. It was fleeting; a dark shape, there and gone again. Whatever the shape was it moved swiftly, appearing from inside a wall and rapidly moving in a straight line through the room only to disappear into an adjacent wall.

Only one shape appeared in my vision at the one time. It might be the small shapes like a cat or small rodent and they were at the level of the skirting board on the floor. The male seemed to be about average size and he appeared to be wearing a hat.

Strangely, the man seemed familiar with his journey through my lounge room. The swift way he moved made me feel he was aware of his surroundings and possibly he knew he was being seen. Whatever his reason for his journey and wherever he came from I have no idea. Perhaps he came from a parallel universe? A time warp that he and the little animals were familiar with and made use of but too what purpose? People in different parts of our planet have reported seeing shapes like I have mentioned and because of their shadowy presence have been called 'the shadow people'.


When she transformed into a butterfly, the caterpillars spoke, not of her beauty, but of her weirdness. They wanted her to change back into what she had always been. But she had wings.

Dean Jackson


Michael was a delightful little spirit boy who used to sometimes visit when I was conducting a development class. He was about ten or eleven years old, Caucasian, and looked and acted like any physical child of about that age. I don't think he knew he was no longer in a physical form.

Where Michael played with other spirit children was in a large immaculate, green grass park. There were large trees, oak and others where the children climbed and generally appeared to be having fun. Wherever it was that the children played were a few women, supervisors, who watched over the children. It seemed strange at first until I realized it may have been to give an earth feeling continuity to the children. I also understood wherever this region is acts as a transition area for the children until they are ready to move on.

We asked questions to Michael;. what it was like where he was, the sort of questions an adult would ask a child. Once he brought his male friend with him to meet us but his little friend was either shy or not interested. After a few minutes he left.

We always looked forward to Michael's joining in our class but one day he seemed different, not the happy little boy we had come to know. I asked him if something was the matter and said 'yes'. Gentle encouragement to find out the reason we learned that Michael was frustrated. For the first time he realized that whatever he did, fall off his bike, out of a tree, there was no blood; he could not hurt himself. It appeared Michael was getting ready to go to the next stage of his journey and shortly after he stopped coming to our group. He was the last child we had visit our group and for awhile, we did hope he would return or some other little spirit child take his place. None did so perhaps it was also our time to move on to other endeavors .

Do Animals Have a Sixth Sense?

We may have pets,

but when it comes to unconditional love,

they are the masters

Author unknown

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