Quantum Buddhism by Francois Lepine - HTML preview

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The Unified Quantum Field

At the smallest level of observation, it seems that there are no more particles. Everything seems to be unified in a single field of continuous … stuff,… and non-stuff. The Unified Quantum Field is where everything takes place, where everything starts to exist. Between the atoms, while we think there is void, in fact, is not a void at all, but a completely fill continuous field of energy at the highest possible level of vibration. Yet, it also seems to be vacuum space.

Imagine the Unified Quantum Field on a single plane, with a wave function altering its shape.



Now, if you could imagine that this alteration is possible not only on a two dimensional plane, but also in a three dimensional volume. On the following diagram, imagine the ticker part of the line closer to you, and the thinner part is further. We used a shadow to help you visualize the line in 3D space.


In theory, each of these wave functions offer a certain amount of possibilities of results, where the actual result and shape of the equation will only be defined when the wave function collapses to offer one of its possible result.

Using the planar and cubic wave functions above, try to imagine how the planar 2-dimension wave became a cubic 3-dimension wave, by pulling a new dimension into existence. If you can isolate this concept, then you might grasp the philosophical concept of pulling into existence many more dimensions interacting continuously together, with wave functions made of an infinite number of variables, offering an infinite amount of potential shapes and results.

The main experiment of the Unified Quantum Field is the experience of life itself. We exist within the quantum field. We literally live within this multi-dimensional continuous field of possibilities. More so, we are made out of this field. All that we do as well as all that we are made of, is the result of the collapsing of quantum wave functions happening in the quantum field. The quantum field is absolutely everything.

The Unified Quantum Field is for science what the Supreme Consciousness is for spirituality. Each wave function of the multi-dimensional quantum field is a thought of the highest nature in the Supreme Consciousness. Each of these supreme thoughts comprises the whole of an experience of life. Every parameter of a human thought, a signal in the nervous system, an action, an interaction, a sensation and the awareness of the experience is a single equation summed up as a quantum wave function that is self-contained within all its parameters.

The actions of the body and the body that move are part of a single quantum wave function finding an answer by collapsing to its possible end result. It’s like saying that the body, the action of breathing, the thought of breathing and the air that is breathed is the same thing, modulated thru a complete life experience, occurring as a single thought of the Supreme Consciousness.

When we observe life, from the point of view of the human experience, base on our sensory tools, we see everything as separated and compartmentalized. Yet, from the point of view of spirit, beyond the human identification to our senses, everything seems to be united and continuous.
This unification is also possible to observe, using scientific tools and deduction, when we try to look at the smallest occurrences of matter. Yet, scientifically observing the micro-universe does not alter our human perception of life because we are still focusing outwards. To alter our human perception of life, even to alter our senses and our ability to perceive unity directly with our mind, we must implicate ourselves in awakening our consciousness at more refined levels of thoughts, until we become aware of the Unified Quantum Field, the Supreme Consciousness.

From this elevated point of view, not only do we alter our perception of the world, but we also become aware of being the observer of life. Before we awaken our higher consciousness, perception is explained as a series of signals happening in the nervous system, interpreted by the brain, sustaining the belief in separation form the outside world. Yet, when our higher consciousness is awakened, these signals still occur in the nervous system and the brain. However, these signals are not interpreted anymore by our human register of past experiences. When we awaken to the Supreme Consciousness, the being that we truly are is in charge, and the interpretation of life is transported from the manifested human experience to the un-manifested observer, the Spirit. The information is then made available again for the human experience to continue in an awakened fashion.

This information is much more refined than intellectual knowledge. It is pure wisdom of life, information at a level of thought not possible for the nervous system alone to produce. It is an interaction between the observer and the observed, the creator and the created. From the point of view of the human, Spirit is higher and separated from the body, while from the point of view of Spirit the actual human experience is united with the thought of the experience itself.

Wisdom and pure thought is continuously interacting with the material world, in this sense that it IS the material world, as well as the experience of it. Matter and thought are the same from the point of view of the spirit. The coming in and coming out of existence of thought, matter and movement is a continuous dance of quantum wave functions operating the experience of life. This wonderful dance of pure wisdom exchange is made available to the human entity thru the quantum interaction that occurs in the brain.