Quote-A-Quote to Your Health, Wealth and Happiness by Michael E. Ruge - HTML preview

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Exceptional thanks to my family - my wife, Elspeth, my son Christopher, my daughter Jessalyn, and my amazing grandchildren Evelyn , Sarah and Coady who together remind me that each day matters. To both my dads whose very different types of wisdom and character I still draw from daily.

To Team Paradise, I offer my humblest thanks. You offered support, time and laughter--your energy was the fuel that kept us going when our tanks were running dry. This book reflects your spirit.

It’s also dedicated to great teachers like Tony Robbins, Mark Victor Hanson, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, T. Harv Eker and so many others--people who have lived the experience and taught the lessons so that we may never stop learning. Knowledge can be the most precious gift.

Michael E. Ruge