Quote-A-Quote to Your Health, Wealth and Happiness by Michael E. Ruge - HTML preview

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Time can come knocking on your door as Friend or Foe. Your perception of Time is the key. Depending on circumstances, you use it well, kill it, waste it or run out of it! Time challenges us daily as we prioritize, maximize and optimize!

We’re all striving for keys to Health, Wealth and Happiness. How do you fast-track your career? How do you speed up your kids’ development? How do you quickly learn to meditate? Accelerate your love life? How do you tune up your health? Gain ground financially? How can you hurry up happiness? Time plays a role in all of these.

We grasp at cues and clues in the ether. Like an Olympic sprinter racing for the gold, we speed along the path of self improvement--only to get bumped off by a feather. Are we really that fragile that we do not trust our own inner compass? We seek the elusive “it” factor. When asked to define “it” we create an image in our mind of “should.” I should have a bigger house, better job, more hair, longer legs, less weight, nicer kids, excess cash and the perfect car.

What we should do is re-define our attitudes to health, wealth and happiness. It’s time to make a pact – you and I. We’re going to take a leap of faith together. Get ready to fly! Time is of the essence.

Sometimes the biggest lessons come from the quietest teacher. Trust that out there in the universe IS the answer you need. Don’t expect to always get the answer you want, but do expect to get the answer that is right for you. Surrender to the universe and you will find that the universe is rigged with compasses and road maps for your journey – and success. That’s your leap of faith. Growth and change will follow. That’s a promise.

Let these quotations, hand-picked from thousands; provide quick insight into your current mindset. You’ll find that they slice through old and tired ideas and attitudes. In an instant, you’ll perceive seemingly insurmountable challenges in a different light.

Spend a moment of your precious time in the minds of these wonderful tutors—you will be richly rewarded. Gallop down the path of your own life and, when challenges and obstacles seek you out, learn from these masters. These teachers ran the race AND charged through the finish line – with impeccable timing. They are handing the baton to you now. All you have to do is pick it up….and run with it.

Whatever you want--be it a harmonious family life, a courageous mindset, a joyous and carefree existence, loving relationships, a life blessed with growth whatever incredible and richly imagined goal you have fashioned for yourself is yours for the keeping. There are only two ways to go learn on your own or learn from others. Great men and women rest one hand on the shoulder of another for support, with the other stretched out behind to help a straggler.

I am reaching my hand out to you. Take it and I’ll lead you on a journey of self-discovery and growth through your health, wealth and happiness. Ready to kick start your mind and ramp up into positive gear? Great! Then, let’s begin the journey. Remember our pact--trust in the universe.

Contemplate a particular problem or issue you are confronting--then open the book and read the quote that leaps out at you. There’s your answer. Maybe not the answer you expected, but the answer that is right for you, right now at this moment in time.

Your partner-in-inspiration,

Michael E. Ruge