Quote-A-Quote to Your Health, Wealth and Happiness by Michael E. Ruge - HTML preview

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On October 29, 1941, Winston Churchill electrified the world by giving the most rousing speech of his political life. He fortified an entire nation - the entire world - with his words “Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never--in nothing, great or small, large or petty--never give in.”

Reach out. Share your stories. Celebrate your alive-ness – even in the wake of seemingly interminable odds.

When a member of my family was recently diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, our family initially felt helpless and bereft. As we progressed through the phases of her illness and healing, we found ourselves energized with gratitude and happiness. We thought bright thoughts. We lived each moment, not worrying about the next. We set aside time to spend with one another. We did things together, as a family, even more than we had done before.

We found that the infectious energy of our positive thoughts really promoted healing. We experienced a breakthrough and our family became closer and tighter knit than ever before. We laughed a lot and shared funny stories and anecdotes about our lives and memories.

With an injection of mirth, sometimes one can experience a rebirth. Optimism is a learned habit. Overcome the handicaps in your thinking. Change your outlook and you can change your health. Never give in.