Quote-A-Quote to Your Health, Wealth and Happiness by Michael E. Ruge - HTML preview

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“The purpose of life is to be happy.”

The Dalai Lama


In recent studies, brain scans show that the areas of the brain linked to positive emotions light up in Buddhists. All that universal love, kindness and compassion really seems to work! Generally speaking, if you are a happy camper, you will show revved up activity in the left prefrontal cortex. This area of the brain is associated with happiness, joy and enthusiasm.

Many people have quashed the benefits of positive thinking, but you really can attain genuine and lasting happiness by setting your mind’s compass on a happy course. Buddhists believe that “one finds happiness by seeking the happiness of others”.

See what happens when you reach out and draw others into your fold. Practice inclusivity; not exclusivity.

Baba Amte, founder of the "Sanctuary of Love" in Anandwan, India says “Happiness is a continuous creative activity.” So, dear reader, let’s get creative!

It’s my belief that most people want to GET happy. You can’t get happy; you have to BE happy. I spent many years trying to get happy by being materialistic--I can tell you, flat out, that it does not work. Take a gander at celebrities--many of them have the adoration of fans and monetary success, but happiness doesn’t seem to be a Hollywood hit.

Sometimes, the harder you strive to be happy, the more elusive it becomes. It creates somewhat of a negative spiral that just becomes worse. I have been generally happy throughout my life, but the times that I have not been happy have been times that I have been trying to live up to other people’s expectations…or I’ve set my own expectations of what it means to be happy. Sometimes they were attainable, but not sustainable.

Just as wealth is a state of abundance, happiness is a state of mind.

We supported Rotary International in their initiative to eradicate polio worldwide. One of the most overwhelmingly happy moments of my life was in India, while administering polio drops to the children. I experienced pure, unbridled joy. You can, too.

Resolve to be happy now, wherever you are, no matter what is going on in your life.

These quotes will help you create a happy mindset, one in which you will simply “be happy”. Enjoy and smile!