Religion! A Kindergarten to Spirituality!! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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The Prison of Myths, Rituals, and Superstitions



It is not just one Religion, but rather all Religions believe in myth in some way or the other.

Religion starts with praying to God but makes us so much focused on the act of performing ritual, that we forget God.

Our goal is God, but Religion makes that second to the practices that we are made to follow.

There is no harm in praying to a God but believing that these are the real Gods that we must pray in a certain way, is not correct.

We know that several superstitions and rituals are meaningless, we still follow them hoping they will bring us ‘good luck’.

We believe in heaven and hell on some distant planet, although we know that we don’t go there, as the body is very much cremated or buried on planet earth.

Religion must be very clear in its theology and not confuse its followers. This is what makes us live and die in ignorance and we don’t realize the Truth.

As intelligent beings gifted with an intellect, we must realize that our blind faith in our Religion will lead us nowhere. Instead of going further in our quest and finding God, we get stuck in our belief system and stop our search for the Divine.

We need to have the courage to go beyond our Religion to find God, if we really seek God. The choice is ours.