Religion! A Kindergarten to Spirituality!! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Realization leads to Liberation



Realization leads to Liberation. Once we realize the Truth about Spirituality, we will be liberated not just from all misery and sorrow in this life, we will also escape from possible rebirth and be unified with the Divine.

Because we continue to be in the kindergarten of Religion all our life, we live a life of ignorance. We suffer due to this ignorance.

We trust the myth that we are taught by Religion and we do everything for our God, not knowing who God truly is.

It is not that Religion intends to do this. It is most unfortunate that Religion is only a kindergarten and we continue to be in this kindergarten all our life.

If we truly love God, we won’t let Religion stop us. We will move on. We don’t need to leave our Religion, but with it being our basic foundation, we will go in quest of our God.

The only way to eternal peace and joy is Liberation that comes post realization. Liberation is our Ultimate Goal. Thus, it becomes so important to transcend the kindergarten Religion and move on.

Once we realize the Truth, we need to destroy our ignorance through our intellect.

To achieve this goal, we need to graduate Spiritually with the help of our Spiritual Master.