Religion! A Kindergarten to Spirituality!! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Discover God Within



When we go on a Spiritual quest taking the help of a Spiritual Master, we ultimately realize the Truth about God that God lives right here, in the temple of our heart.

We need to let go of the kindergarten of Religion to evolve Spiritually. If we want to discover the ocean, then we have to have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

God is the Creator of this universe. Not just the Creator, in fact, everything in this universe is a manifestation of God, which means that everything is God. There is nothing else!

However, the mind stops us from realizing the Truth. As kids, we are taught that God is somewhere up in the sky. The mind has registered this and does not want to budge because the mind is an enemy to self- realization.

To achieve our Ultimate Goal, we need to break this barrier of body, mind, and ego to go beyond to discover God.

It is through inference that we can realize that we are that Divine Life Energy that arrives at birth and departs at death.

The theory of “Wave-Particle Duality” based on E = MC2  proves that energy can become matter and matter can become energy.

It proves that everything in this world is nothing but energy. Spiritually speaking, this energy is God-Energy.

God cannot be discovered. God has to be realized. God must be realized not just within but everywhere and in everything.