Religion! A Kindergarten to Spirituality!! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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If we love our God, we must go on a Quest



God cannot be discovered. God will be realized inside the temple of our heart.

God exists. You and I are proof of this. But nobody really knows God. God defined is God denied.

Can we see with our ears? No! We need to understand that although we human beings are gifted with many senses, we have limited comprehension. We cannot define God.

Finally, the quest must be non-negotiable. We should not leave any possibility to return.

Without the help of a Guru, a Spiritual Master, who has himself realized God, it becomes very difficult to find God.

When we go on a quest to find God, we need to ask relevant questions.

There are 3 steps to realizing God. First, we read or listen and take in all the information. The second step is to analyze and evaluate what seems right and what seems wrong using our intellect. The third step is to meditate on the findings. We must go into silence and we will realize the Truth.

Once we start our quest and go in search of God, we need to evolve. We need to give up the kindergarten of religion and graduate into Spirituality.

If we are sincere in our quest for God, we will realize God within.