Religion! A Kindergarten to Spirituality!! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Most of humanity has a Religion. It is said that over 80% of people are either Christian, Muslim, Hindu or affiliated with some Religion of the world. Less than 1/5th of humanity is either atheist or agnostic which means that this part of humanity either does not believe in God or is doubtful about the existence of God.

When we are born, we start following a Religion based on our parents and family - we don’t choose our Religion. We believe in our Religion and its scripture. Very few of us question our Religion or delve deep into the roots and origins of it.  Each Religion says that its God is the Creator of this world and we grow up having faith in our Religion.

We have blind faith and we follow rituals without questioning, believing in the superstitions we are taught. We practise religious dogmas without understanding what we are doing. Very few of us actually touch the subject of Spirituality - a study of the Spirit, the Soul or the Life-Energy within us.

A deep study reveals a shocking Truth that less than 1% of humanity stops and asks questions about the validity of what their Religion preaches. This tiny minority passionately follows the path of Spirituality with the aim of Self-Realization and God-Realization. It is amongst these that a blessed few realize the Truth about life and are liberated from misery and sorrow. They realize the Truth about God and understand that whatever they were taught was very basic. Their biggest Realization is that Religion is just a kindergarten to Spirituality.

Religion is only the first step towards our Ultimate Goal of Self-Realization. It builds the foundation of our faith and understanding of God. Then, most unfortunately, we get so pulled into rituals and superstitions that we do not pursue a path that makes us investigate the Truth about God. While most of us don’t know who God is, where God is and what God is, we know God is. We know God exists. God is the Power that has created the universe. Unfortunately, we human beings think of God as a person, a statue or as a saint. We forget that God is a Power that no human being can paint. This book, Religion! A Kindergarten to Spirituality will lead you forward in your journey towards God. Whatever be your Religion and whichever be the faith you follow, you don’t need to change that. You just need to go one step further, with deep love and longing for your God, until you realize your God within the very temple of your heart.

Spirituality is not another Religion. It is beyond Religion. Those who start with Religion, get stuck in the kindergarten of theology. We need Spirituality to help us graduate and be blessed with the Truth about God. We need to go beyond Religion, go beyond the dogmas, the rituals and the superstitions that we grow up with to discover the absolute Truth about the Divine.

This book will help you go beyond the kindergarten of Spirituality, your own Religion and graduate you to become a master in Spirituality and help you achieve the Ultimate Goal of Self-Realization and God Realization. 



GOD is accepted by most humans on earth.

Most of us believe in GOD, once we take birth.

But it is sad though in God we believe,

We get stuck in the myth and our Goal we do not achieve!