Religion! A Kindergarten to Spirituality!! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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What is Religion?



While there are many Religions in this world, most Religions have a similar path, except that the destination is ‘their own God’.

There is no doubt that each Religion is instrumental in making this world a peaceful place teaching ethics and morals to its followers.

The name of God is just an identity of a Power that is beyond human comprehension. It is Religion that starts our journey to God.

When man realizes that there is a Power beyond human comprehension that controls the results of his actions, he realizes the existence of a Power we call God.

The modern world seems to believe that Religion is just a set of dogmas, myths, rituals, and superstitions that make no sense - this is very dangerous for the world because if more and more people stop following a Religion and believing in God, there will be chaos and anarchy.

While we can do little with Religion, we can do nothing without it! We can’t graduate without attending a kindergarten.

But it is sad that most of us don’t grow up beyond Religion to realize the Truth about God. We live and die in the kindergarten of Religion and we don’t  Spiritually graduate in life.