SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Very few people are able to realize this Truth – we are the Soul. We think we have a Soul, but in reality, we are the Soul that gives us life from birth to death.

A human being is made up of over 30 trillion cells. Each cell is powered with life. This phenomenon is beyond human cognition. Science is unable to define the Soul. But the Truth is, the Soul exists and that is who we are.

We have already analysed that we are not the ego, the mind or the body. But can anybody deny our existence? We come alive not just on the day we were born on earth, but several months before. The moment the zygote is formed, we start our journey as the Soul and till our death, the Soul makes our heart beat, makes us walk and talk. Then suddenly, the Soul departs. This is death. There is no breath. People say that we passed away, we expired or departed. Who left the body? It is the Divine Soul. Because we don't realize this Truth, not only do we live with misery, but we are born again and again, only to suffer.

Those who realize the Truth, 'We are not the body, we are not the mind, we are not the ego but the Divine Soul,' those rare few are liberated at death and they unite with the Divine. This is Sat, the eternal Truth. It is our ultimate goal to realize that we are the Soul, the Spirit, the Atman or the life energy that throbs in us.