SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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What is the Truth about death? Many people think that death is the end. Game over! They don't realize that it is not true. Death is not the end. Only the physical body dies. The body, its name and identity, its relationships and possessions cease to exist at death. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept this. Instead of doing so, we continue to live with ignorance, without understanding the true meaning of death.

While death is the end for the body, it is only a bend for the one who was alive inside. The Mind and the Ego, ME, that directed the body to act, leaves the body at death when the Soul departs. Most people don't realize this Truth. A few who do, understand the Law of Karma and believe that they will be reborn in a new body, with the same ME, Mind and Ego, depending on their Karma, their past actions. To them, death is not the end. It is just another chapter as the ME, takes a new birth.

A very few people are blessed to contemplate the cycle of death and rebirth and realize that there is a way out of this cycle of continuos death and rebirth. They realize that they are not the body and, they are not even the Mind and Ego, ME that performs actions and is reborn as per its Karma, they are the Divine Soul. At death, they are liberated and they unite with the Divine.