SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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What is the Ultimate Truth? If we are not the body, we are not the mind, then who are we? If the Soul is energy, how do we define ourselves? Several thousand years ago spirituality explained that we human beings are the effects and the Divine is the cause. But this was very difficult for man to accept and understand. Spirituality stated that we are the Soul, the Divine Spirit, a manifestation of God. But the world would not accept it.

Over the centuries, the world started to ask questions and as science advanced, theology led to Enlightenment and the Truth was revealed. Even science discovered that energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed from one form to another. Further, scientists in an experiment discovered the phenomenon of the 'Wave Particle Duality'. They found that a tiny particle of our skin, which was matter, became a wave of energy under a microscope. They were baffled as they saw it reappear from the energy back to mass, a particle of matter. This was the same underlying principle of spirituality, that we are energy. Energy that is Divine. The Divine energy is omnipresent. While we may appear to be a mass of over 30 trillion cells, each cell is nothing but energy. This energy is an effect. The cause is the Divine. Just as a wave appears from the ocean and goes back into it, we appear from the Divine. We are effects, the Divine is the cause.