SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Not only are we slaves to our senses, but we also become puppets of the monkey mind that jumps from thought to thought, as it steals our state of Consciousness. Why are we human beings unaware of our true self - the witness, the observer of the body, of the mind and the life all around us?

It is because of the mind. It bombards us with thoughts, one thought practically every second. It jumps like a monkey without remaining still. It doesn't allow us to introspect, to contemplate, and to realize the Truth. It doesn't give us a chance to become aware and to awaken to the Truth. It is the monkey mind that jumps to the past that is gone, and a future not yet born. By doing so, what is it doing? It is denying us the opportunity of discovering our true self, Chit or Consciousness that we are. It fools us into believing that we are the mind, as it makes us say, 'I am worried, I am tired, I am bored.' It destroys that state of Consciousness of the present moment which in reality is our true existence.

Because of our ignorance, we live and die as puppets of the monkey mind, as it jumps from thought to thought. It makes us live and suffer in ignorance, and continues to keep us ignorant till we die, without realizing the Consciousness that we truly are. Until we transcend the monkey mind and become conscious of our true existence, we will never experience Ananda.