SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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While we are, in reality, Divine Consciousness, what stops us from experiencing this state of Chit? Who is the one who holds us back from being conscious of reality? Who steals our state of Chit, of Consciousness of the Truth?

It is the ME, the Mind and Ego - this is the thief. It robs us of our Consciousness and with it, the realization of the true self that we are. The Mind and the Ego, the ME, make us live and die, as a human being that has a body and mind. It doesn't let us realize that we are the Divine Energy that manifests as the body-mind complex. It stops us from Sat, or the Truth. With the gift of our intelligence, we can discover that we are not the body, not the mind, not the ego, but the Divine Soul. We may understand that life on earth is like a drama and nothing belongs to us. While we have this knowledge, we are not able to be conscious of it, because of the ME. The ME, Mind and Ego, literally robs our state of Chit, the Consciousness of the Truth, as it makes us suffer on earth. Not only do we suffer as the Mind and Ego, as we live, we create Karma with this false identity of ME and we are reborn in a new body, only to suffer again and again. This is because the ME has stolen the Consciousness of the Truth. We must go beyond the Mind and Ego, ME to realize the Truth and live in Ananda. Most of us may know the reality but are not conscious of it. We are not conscious of the very Consciousness that we are, and it is this ignorance that makes us suffer.