SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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What does Consciousness do? It makes us the witness, the observer of this life show that is unfolding on earth, moment by moment. To most of the world, life is real. How can we call it a show, a humongous drama unfolding on the stage called Earth? It is only for somebody who is conscious that the realization dawns that everything that happens is nothing more than what happens in a theatre. Here on earth, there are 8 billion actors, who come and go on the earth stage. To the entire human race, everything happening is real, but to the one who is conscious of the Truth, nothing is real.

Like in every drama, finally the curtains will be drawn. In the life drama, with the passage of each ‘Act’, days, weeks, and months pass. Ultimately, at death, the drama is over for the actor but the show goes on. One who is conscious of reality, not only witnesses the show but enjoys everything that unfolds, be it comedy or tragedy. Consciousness does not let the realized one sink in the drama of life. Nothing matters to one who is in Chit. The rest of the world is busy waking up and working, fighting and cheating, succeeding, and earning, not realizing that all this that is happening is no more than a game of monopoly that we played when we were kids. In the end, we will put everything back into the box when our game is over. One who is witnessing the Cosmic Drama knows that the episode of love in their life is nothing more than a romantic scene in the drama called life. There is no way that hearts won't break. Such is the drama!