SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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It is not easy to be in Sat Chit in a state of Consciousness of the Truth. In fact, it is very rare to find somebody who has arrived at a point in life where he is ever conscious of the Truth. Even if we can be conscious in broken spells, it is an achievement. Slowly and steadily, we grow in our awareness, as the journey of life unfolds on the spiritual path. Why is it such a big challenge to live with Consciousness of the Truth to be in Sat Chit?

There is a constant war within. Every time we become conscious of the Divinity within, the battle inside us starts. Arrows zoom in the form of thoughts and most often, we are defeated. Until we grow our Chit into a strong force, we keep losing the war that battles within us. The more we become aware and awakened to the Truth, the more we win the war against the mind. Those on the journey often express their helplessness, as they lose to the mind. But we mustn't lose hope. We must continue our persistence to remain conscious and to defeat the mind. As long as we don't win this war, we will not attain the goal of eternal Bliss.

This war doesn't stop until we die. Even realized Souls experience the  battle, although as we progress in the Consciousness of Truth, we become stronger and the war within weakens. It all depends upon how deep our realization is and how strong our Consciousness of the Truth is. One who truly seeks the Truth, ultimately wins the war.