SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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What happens when one reaches the state of Sat Chit? One has realized the Truth. One has become Enlightened. It only means that one has overcome their ignorance. Does it mean that all of us our ignorant? Does it mean we do not know the Truth? Of course, we do. But we are not conscious of it. We have knowledge of the Truth, but we have not realized the Truth yet. The moment we realize the Truth, we are Enlightened. Then, we can live in Samadhi.

What is Samadhi? It is a state of Sat Chit, a state of being ever conscious of the Truth. When the light of Consciousness shines and the entire Truth is revealed, we are liberated from all misery and suffering. Although we are alive in the body-mind complex, we are liberated from it. The body becomes a habitat, as we become Enlightened that we are that very Consciousness that is the life within. Becoming ever conscious of this, we reach that state of living as an enlightened being.

Most of us fail to reach this state of Samadhi. It is either because we have not made an effort to realize the Truth, or despite knowing the Truth, we have not attained the Consciousness of it. A true Yogi, who lives united with the Divine, lives with the Consciousness that he is nothing, but a manifestation of the Divine. He effortlessly lives in Consciousness, in a state of Samadhi transcending all ignorance and living as a liberated Soul, his true self.