SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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What does being in the Consciousness of Sat do? As it shines on the Truth, we bust the myth. The myth is constantly projected by the mind as it is experienced as a reality by the senses of the body. But Consciousness will bust the myth and the Truth will reign supreme in our life.

As long as we are not in the state of Chit, the Truth and the myth play hide and seek with us. Although we know nothing belongs to us, the myth makes the ego believe otherwise. It may be clear that God is not in the statue, but we still observe rituals and superstitions. Consciousness can change all this. When we become conscious of our intelligence and interpretation of what is, the illusion that is projected in our life disappears like mist in the morning sun. But this happens only after the sun shines. We know the Truth, but Maya, the cosmic illusion, keeps on projecting the myth. Unless we use the power of our Consciousness, the light of Truth remains dormant in our life and this causes us to suffer.

Is it not that we human beings don't know the Truth? Are we fools? No! We are intelligent beings who get fooled by the cosmic illusion till the Consciousness in us awakens and we become enlightened. As long as we live in darkness, we remain unaware and ignorant. Consciousness can bust the myth and make us live with the Truth, in Peace and Bliss. Without it, though we have the knowledge of the Truth, we continue to believe in the myth throughout our life.