SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Most of us remain unhappy because we do not discover a simple secret of Happiness – Happiness is in the 'now'. Happiness is not in yesterday, yesterday is gone! Our mind keeps taking us to the past. We reflect and we regret and lose the present moment of Bliss. Then, like a monkey, the mind jumps to the future. It creates fear, worry, stress, and anxiety. Again, it robs the present moment and with it, the gift of Joy. This constant shuttling between yesterday and tomorrow steals our happiness.

While the mind keeps swinging, we think it is absolutely natural for this to happen. No! This is a disaster! Happiness belongs to 'now', to 'today', to this 'moment'. Every time the mind takes us into the past and the future, it takes away our Ananda. What is our mind doing? It is destroying our Consciousness of the present moment and with it, projecting the myth over the Truth.

What is the Truth? There is no yesterday, it is gone! There is no tomorrow, it is not yet born! Tomorrow can come only as 'today', and we cannot go back to yesterday. But we can surely destroy our Peace and Joy by shuttling here and there.

To be truly happy, we must live life moment by moment. We must shut the door on the past and on the future and live Consciously in the 'now', moment by moment, with the realization of the Truth. There is no other way to be happy.