SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Haven't you heard people saying – 'If only I could go to Switzerland, I would be the happiest person in the world'? Once they visit Switzerland, then the destination shifts to Finland or New Zealand. It is an illusion to believe that Happiness belongs to a place. While somebody may be Blissful in the white sand beaches and the turquoise waters in the Maldives, another would be bored to death. To them, Happiness would come from a bustling city like New York or Singapore.

A place does not decide the state of our Happiness. It is our inner Consciousness that does so. There are people who may be enjoying a fabulous retreat on a cruise ship. But, a simple news of a heart attack of their dear one can rob all their Peace and Joy. Although they are in the middle of the ocean, in a 7-star luxury ship, they become miserable because their mind is unable to accept the bad news. They have not realized the Truth of the impermanence of life and thus, their happiness is controlled by what happens in their external world.

If we want to be truly happy, we must be conscious of the Truth wherever we are. We must not fix our Happiness upon a place and relate our Bliss to being there. There is absolutely no harm in enjoying rainforests, or the beaches, but to believe that these places create happiness is foolish. Happiness depends on our state of Consciousness and the realization of the Truth.