SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Ananda is priceless. It is the most valuable treasure that one can acquire. Still, it doesn't belong to the kings, the Presidents or the wealthiest of men and women. The glow of Peace and Joy appears in the face and the eyes of an enlightened one. The aura of Ananda cannot be defined in words, but its energy vibrates to people. As compared to pleasure, Ananda is a million-fold greater. Even the Peace of contentment and fulfilment, fades into insignificance when compared to the Joy and Bliss of Ananda.

Nothing can steal the Joy of one who reaches the peak of Enlightenment. Sun or rain, loss or gain, pleasure or pain, the one who is in that state of Ananda, ever conscious of the Divine Truth, moves from moment to moment in Peace and Bliss. Products and people no more become the trigger to his Happiness. Wherever he is and whatever be the circumstances, his Ananda shines like the bright sun, whether the skies are blue or covered by clouds of grey. He is Happy every day. His happiness is unconditional as he enjoys the blowing of the breeze and the swaying of the trees, feeling the Divine presence within him and all around him.

Ananda is the biggest gift of happiness one can achieve and when it comes after Consciousness of the Truth, this state of Bliss and Peace remains with us forever. Such is the magic caused by being conscious of the Divine Truth eternal Joy and everlasting Peace that is experienced in a state of SatChitAnanda.




  • While the whole world is seeking happiness, it eludes us. Even the wealthiest and most successful people don't attain the state of everlasting Joy and eternal Peace.
  • However, one who attains Ananda, learns the art of being happy all the time. He transcends the triple suffering pain of the body, misery of the mind and agony of the ego, as he lives with the realization of the Truth.
  • He understands that true happiness comes not from his possessions or from his people, but from Consciousness of the Truth. Therefore, wherever he is, and despite all circumstances, he remains in a state of Bliss and Joy.
  • The ecstasy of Ananda is far greater than the pleasure that comes from achievement and success.
  • Far more tranquil and Peaceful than living in a state of contentment and fulfilment, is Ananda that comes from Enlightenment.
  • Only a rare few are blessed to evolve to that state of Enlightenment, of liberation from misery and sorrow, free from the prison of desire and craving.
  • But we all experience disappointment, discouragement and defeat as we pass pleasure and pain in circles. Until we let go of this material life and evolve on a spiritual path, we will never discover the Bliss of Ananda.
  • The ones who live in Ananda, live in Joy till they are ultimately liberated from the cycle of death and rebirth and they unite with the Divine.