SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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We have two options as we live in the world. Either we can live as actors who come on the earth stage, or we can live as observers of this theatre called, 'Life'. In both the cases, we human beings are actors with a name and body. Though we appear to be this, the Truth is different. The Truth is different. The reality is that we are manifestations of the Divine, and we are undergoing a human experience on this stage called the earth. Unfortunately, we forget the Truth and we start living as the actors we are born as.

Each episode of life is like one act in a drama. We are born as per our Karma, and we live, and we die, creating Karma that will be responsible for our next act, our next life. Unless we realize the Truth and become conscious that we are not the body that we seem to wear, we cannot live as the observer that we truly are.

When we detach ourselves from all that is happening on the earth stage, and go beyond being mere actors, then we become the witness of the show, and we enjoy it in SatChitAnanda. Whatever happens in the drama of life, doesn't affect us. We enjoy both comedy and tragedy with equanimity. We live as the Divine Soul, conscious that everything is a projection, everything is like a dream. We become conscious of our Divine self, the one reality in all, as we observe everything alive as manifestation of the Divine and enjoy that state of Ananda.