SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Those who attain a state of SatChitAnanda, realize the Truth in the mantra Satyam Shivam Sundaram. Translated, it means 'The Truth is God is Beautiful'. What is so great about this mantra? It is not just a statement of beauty, it is experiencing God in everything beautiful. A gorgeous butterfly or a buzzing bee, a beautiful flower or a fruit on a tree, SatChitAnanda realizes the Divine presence in you and me. Not only do we realize that all this beauty is a manifestation of the Divine, that all of us are effects and the Divine is the cause, we also remain ever conscious of the Truth and we enjoy the Bliss of Divinity in all the beauty, that surrounds us.

Practically, what does this mean? One who is in a state of Sat Chit, enjoys Ananda, Bliss experiencing Divinity in everything beautiful around him. The blowing of the breeze, and the swaying of the trees, creates an ecstasy as he experiences the Divine in every flower that blooms. Everything beautiful is not just beautiful as seen by the eyes, but the intrinsic beauty vibrates with the presence of the Divine, creating Ananda, Divine Joy. He lives in the presence of the Divine all the time, knowing that if it were not for the Divine, this beauty would not have existed. He sees a flower wither, a leaf fall, just as he sees a bird or animal die when the Divine departs. All the beauty disappears when a loved one leaves the earth because the Divinity in them leaves. Then there is death because there is no breath. Divinity has left.